Causes of miscarriage

Miscarriage is always associated with unpleasant consequences for the female body and its mental state. A woman needs to gain strength and consult a doctor to find out why a miscarriage has occurred. Medical practice shows that spontaneous abortion can be the result of negative influence of external and internal environment. Most often this can happen in the early stages. Until the 8th week the fetus comes out entirely, it is less painful and problematic for a woman. After this period, the embryo can remain in the uterus, and then you have to scrape the uterus.

So, let's take a closer look at why miscarriage occurs:

  1. Genetic disorders in the development of the embryo. This is the most common reason. The process of fertilization is a complex mechanism of connecting paternal and maternal genes, resulting in a new set of child genes. If one of them is damaged or lost, the fruit will be doomed to destruction.
  2. Hormonal disorders in the mother, for example, increased levels of androgens or a lack of progesterone.
  3. Infectious diseases of a woman during pregnancy. To a similar outcome can lead to rubella.
  4. Unfavorable ecology.
  5. Harmful habits: alcoholism, smoking, taking stimulants.
  6. Stressful situations of women during pregnancy have a very negative effect on the development of the fetus. The psychological causes of miscarriage are extremely common.

These factors can cause fetal loss in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Causes of miscarriage at late stages

During this period, involuntary abortion can occur for the following reasons:

There are other causes of miscarriage in the second trimester, but the above are the most common.

Often facilitate the spontaneous termination of pregnancy may be prior to her abortion. Especially if he was at the first pregnancy. In this case, women are prescribed a hormone - progesterone.

Causes of a threat of miscarriage

Not always pathologies of development and disease of the woman lead to miscarriages. Often the fruit can be saved, and the child appears healthy. But nevertheless it is necessary to clearly understand all possible threats and take preventive measures.

One of the main causes of the threat of fetal loss are infectious and inflammatory diseases of the sexual organs of a woman. To such diseases it is possible to carry a clamidiosis, a ureaplasmosis, a trichomoniasis, etc. Their activators rise to a fetal cover and destroy it. When the placenta is infected, the fetus receives much less oxygen. As a result, the fetus dies or is born with multiple pathologies.

To avoid premature termination of pregnancy, such women are considered at risk and prescribed preventive therapy.

Most often, the pregnant woman is restricted in physical activity, sometimes resorting to hospitalization. Drug therapy in pregnant women can vary significantly. It all depends on what can cause a miscarriage. Treatment will be aimed at eliminating the root cause and all possible consequences.

Often physicians exaggerate the risk, but it is better to take preventive measures than to get a situation that no one can influence. After all, the possibilities of our medicine are not unlimited. You can not stop premature birth and miscarriage.

Given the deterioration in the health of the population, including women, the question of why there is a miscarriage, no longer surprises anyone. Doctors say that by the age of 25 many women manage to make one or two abortions, have had several infections, have a set of chronic diseases, smoke, drink and lead a promiscuous sex life. This leads to an increase in the number of miscarriages at the present time.