Large fruit causes

Doctors do not share the generally accepted opinion that a large fruit is a healthy and strong child. First of all, this is cause for concern because of possible complications for the mother and child that may occur during childbirth. A child from four to five kilograms is considered to be large. Babies who weigh more than five kilograms are considered gigantic.

The growth and development of the fetus depends on the health of the future mother and the condition of the placenta, which supports maternal and fruiting relations. If there are no damaging internal and external factors, then the fetus grows according to certain regularities. Today there is a tendency of an increase in the number of cases with the birth of a large fetus. The number of such cases is according to different data from eight to eighteen percent.

Causes of a large fetus during pregnancy

The reasons why a pregnant woman may have a tendency to a large fetus may have a different nature, but the main ones are an increase in the intake of pregnant women and heredity. During pregnancy, you need to rationalize the diet so that you can meet the energy needs of the mother and baby. At the same time, it is important to take into account that the woman is already not leading an active lifestyle as before, and her energy costs are declining.

Negatively, the weight of a woman is affected by the use of spicy-aromatic substances, which increase appetite, the use of fast carbohydrates in excess, fast food intake, when calories do not have time to be adequately absorbed. All this can also lead to the development of diabetes , which is also the cause of the development of a large fetus.

The size of the fetus is affected by the morphological features of the placenta. Between them there is a direct dependence. If the thickness of the placenta exceeds five centimeters, its volume and area are increased, this causes intensive fetal growth, as the metabolic processes between fetus and mother organisms increase. There is also a dependence on the location of the placenta in the uterus. Large fruits are more common when the placenta is located on the back of the uterus .

Uncontrolled use of drugs that improve utero-placental blood circulation, tends to develop a large fetus. Violation of the endocrine system of the woman's body can also become an explanation of why she has a large fetus. This failure of the body causes diseases such as diabetes and obesity. The fruit grows unevenly, then slowing down, then accelerating.

Another reason why the fetus can be large is a perenashivanie. It can be physiological or biological prolongation of pregnancy.

Large fruits are more often found among children-malschikov. Also, large children are often born to young mothers under the age of twenty and women older than thirty-four.

Prevention of large fetuses

Prevention of the development of a large fetus is especially important for women who have metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus or obesity. Throughout pregnancy, future mothers need to balance their diet so that it matches the level of physical activity. It is necessary to monitor the level of glucose in the blood. Women with suspicion of a large fetus are recommended prenatal hospitalization to clarify the diagnosis and choose the appropriate method of delivery.