Fetal dimensions for weeks - table

After all, how amazing is the process of child's growth in the womb! Every day of the intrauterine life of the baby is filled with important events. All women, and primiparas especially, are interested in the size of the fetus for weeks of pregnancy. After all, this makes it possible not only to approach the miracle once again, but also to make sure that everything is in order with the heir.

Fetal size chart

In order for women to independently decipher the data obtained at the next session of ultrasound, special tables were created containing the child's development indicators weekly. This is extremely convenient, because you can literally measure by centimeter how a son or daughter grows inside of you.

However, there is a nuance: all data are very general, because they can not take into account the peculiarities of the course of gestation, hereditary and other factors. Therefore, it is very common for mothers to begin to panic, discovering that their child does not comply with this or that week's standard. Do not need this, because if the doctor says that everything is in order, then there is no place for speculation and fears. But to stock up here such a table of the size of the fruit for weeks will still not hurt.

The size of the cerebellum of the fetus by weeks

This indicator is of special value at the initial stages of gestation, since the obstetrician is able to correlate and assess the level of development of the child according to his age. Also there is a chance to get data on probable genetic deviations and to establish the general state of health and the body of the baby. To some extent, the cerebellum is responsible for the correct and complete laying of organs and systems.

Femur length by weeks

This indicator is also an integral part of fetal fetometry . He gives a chance to establish the gestational age and the approximate weight of the baby. The latter directly indicates the norms of its development, according to the existing term of gestation. It is worth noting that this information is very variable, because the child is growing extremely fast, and the accuracy of the equipment often leaves much to be desired.

Circumference of the abdomen

This indicator of ultrasound size of the fetus for weeks is one of the most informative and giving a complete picture of the development of the baby. It is measured in the plane in which the umbilical vein, gallbladder, stomach and venous duct of the fetus are viewed.

In fact, for obtaining the most detailed information, there is a special table of fetal dimensions by ultrasound, which can differ in values ​​depending on the software of the device and the settings made to it. However, the standard parameters that doctors are interested in are:

It is worth noting that all this information represents a special value, if it was received in a complex and for one study.

All future mothers, as well as their close environment, need to be clearly aware that the fetal size norms for the weeks that are prescribed in the approved tables are purely indicative. Therefore, you do not need to panic if some indicator deviates from the indicated one to a greater or lesser extent. It must be understood that any creature, including man, is unique not only from the outside, but also from within. Moreover, a very important role is played precisely by the established term of gestation, for which not every equipment is capable.