Laxative for pregnant women

During pregnancy, almost every future mother faces an unpleasant and delicate problem, somewhat overshadowing her happy state of waiting for replenishment - with constipation. And the whole fault of the physiology of the "pregnant" organism

The main causes of constipation, most common in pregnant gastrointestinal diseases, are:

Constipation is a dangerous pathology requiring attention!

In addition to the banal discomfort of a pregnant woman, this pathology, characterized by a delay in feces, can lead to:

That is why treatment and prevention of physiological constipation is simply necessary. They are based on three "whales": diet food, motor activity and intake of laxatives for pregnant women.

Diet and activity - the guarantee of normal operation of the intestines during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period that is more suitable for the proper way of life than ever: walking on fresh air, fractional and healthy food, sufficient drinking balance, etc. And if for yourself all this was not always possible, then with thoughts about the baby, with great pleasure and benefit to your health, it is quite real, while simultaneously preventing the problem of constipation.

It is enough to organize a balanced diet in small portions up to 5-7 times a day with the last meal no later than 2 hours before bedtime, by entering on a regular basis in their diet so-called natural laxative for pregnant women. Such laxatives during pregnancy will be wheat bran (scientifically proven their effectiveness in 72% of cases), prunes, dried apricots, figs, kefir or unsweetened yogurt, dishes and pumpkin juice (the latter in a small amount), kiwi, beets, vegetables, rich in fiber (fresh cabbage and carrots), vegetable oil, preferably olive, in its pure form or as a dressing for salads. In some pregnant women, laxatives are exerted by bananas, which simultaneously treat the stomach. Dark chocolate in small quantities also relaxes the intestines.

The drinking balance plays a very important role in the prevention of constipation. Start the day better with a glass of water on an empty stomach. Daily total fluid intake in the early stages of pregnancy should be about 2.5 liters, at late, in order to avoid edema, up to 1 liter. And only if the above recommendations do not give results, it is necessary to take a laxative for pregnant women.

Laxative for pregnant women should be safe!

Immediately it is necessary to remember the following: self-medication with laxatives during pregnancy is unsafe. Very undesirable consequences can result in their neglected side effects in time such as the ability to cause fetal development anomalies (Senadé, Senadaxin), contraction of the uterine muscles, increasing the risk of a threat of termination of pregnancy (bisacodyl), the need to take more fluids that increase the load on the kidney, etc. In this regard, from a small range of safe laxative during pregnancy, it is the doctor who can be prescribed a suitable remedy and its dosage.

For use in pregnancy, you can choose from 4 groups of laxatives, which include:

Gynecologists often assign exclusively osmotic substances to lactulose, which, due to its purifying and nonabsorbable properties, not only eliminates constipation, but also stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria that inhibit the growth of the pathogenic microflora of the intestine. Its normalization in a pregnant woman is directly related to the state of the newborn's microflora, which during the passage of the baby through the birth canal is populated by the "inhabitants" of the intestinal microflora of the mother. Such drugs include Dufalac and Normolact.

What, can we only wish for the speediest solution of delicate problems, enjoying an unforgettable state of pregnancy, health for you and your kids!