Fetal heart rate is the norm

How much happiness a woman experiences when she first hears the knocking of the heart of her baby. Learning about pregnancy, this moment is waiting for every future mother, since it is the heartbeat that is the most informative about the development of the child. By the way the heart beats, you can understand whether everything is ok with the baby.

Palpitation occurs in the fifth week, and the frequency of fetal heartbeats can be determined using ultrasound. Approximately from 16 weeks, after the woman feels the first wiggling , the doctors check whether the heartbeat of the fetus is normal with a stethoscope.

Fetal heart rate

During pregnancy, the rate of palpitation in the fetus varies by week:

Such variability in the rate of palpitation of the fetus for weeks is associated with the development of the infant's autonomic nervous system. Unambiguously you need to monitor, so that the fetal heart rate is always in the norm, as this is the main indicator of the baby's health.

Deviations from allowed values

When the baby is listening to rapid heart rate (tachycardia) - this can be a sign of oxygen deficiency. With prolonged hypoxia, bradycardia develops - a decrease in the fetal heart rate. This state requires special attention.

The norm of the fetal heart rate is also their rhythmicity. That is, the blows must be repeated at regular intervals. Abnormalities in this case may indicate the above-mentioned oxygen starvation, or congenital heart disease. Heart tones of a healthy baby are characterized by clarity and clarity.

Any deviation from the norm of palpitation of the fetus should alert the future mother. After all, the heart is the main indicator of her child's health.