41 photos of the true beauty of the female body after childbirth

The world of gloss and pictures, superbly flavored with Photoshop, is misleading, dictates its own rules and forces many to complex about its shape. So are women who have given birth with stretch marks, sagging belly, full thighs should consider themselves ugly?

An American photographer from Chicago, Ashley Wells Jackson, with the help of his photographs, wants to reach out to the community, to those beauties who have recently become moms.

"Just look at yourself in the mirror with other eyes! You are beautiful, you are the source of inspiration. You just have to love yourself for who you are. Down with 90-60-90, fake standards of beauty. Each of us is individual, each in its own way beautiful, "- the creator of the project" 4 trimester. Female body after childbirth ", aimed to help young mothers accept themselves and is proud of their figure, begin to enjoy the period of motherhood.

The project appeared in 2013. His creation of the photographer was inspired by his own childbirth, children. "In 2000, I was carrying my first child. There were planned home births, but at 28 week I started contractions, and I had to go to the hospital. My son spent 46 days in the intensive care unit. After 6 years, I became pregnant with twin girls. At the 24th week I was forced to have a cesarean. As a result, one daughter did not survive, and the second 100 days spent in intensive care, and it was necessary to do an operation on the brain in order to cure hydrocephalus. After the birth, my body changed. I stopped liking myself. Often in the shower she was engaged in self-criticism, it is unclear why, she was angry with herself. To get rid of these negative feelings, I created this project. I wanted that women like me shared with each other their experiences, together learned to accept and love themselves, "Ashley said. What has turned into a project that is still in force, you can see below.

1. Each of us for someone has become a whole world, a real universe.

2. Motherhood is the most beautiful period in a woman's life.

3. There is nothing sweeter than the word "mother".

4. It's so easy to love your body.

5. The female body all 9 months was the cozy house for a new life.

6. True beauty is not in the body, but in the light of the heart.

7. The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers.

8. There is a special talent - the talent of motherhood.

9. Maternity is the most difficult of works, bringing joy.

10. Maternity is the most difficult of works, but it delivers so much joy.

11. The best gift in the world is the smile of a small miracle.

12. There is nothing more beautiful and more beautiful than a mother's touch.

13. Being a mother is the main reason why one should not engage in self-destruction.

14. Maternal love is a real gift sent from above.

15. Motherhood is the main ornament of any woman.

16. Everything that looks with love looks beautiful.

17. In man everything is beautiful from the rays of the sun and the milk of the mother.

18. From the moment the baby is born, the woman's heart starts beating in the other breast.

19. As soon as the child feels that his mother is happy and self-assured, it only becomes good for him.

20. No sweeter music than the laughter of children.

21. If you have children, you know why you live.

22. Mother is a synonym for the word angel.

23. Children are the anchors of every mother.

24. With the advent of the child, you understand that love can be unlimited.

25. A kid always recognizes his mother by a smile.

26. A loving family and a happy mother are what children need.

27. The female body is always beautiful - it brought a new life to the world.

28. The only thing a man never forgets is the smell of his mother.

29. With the onset of motherhood, each of us becomes more feminine and beautiful.

30. To find immortality - that's what it means when children appear.

31. Children's love is the most faithful in the world.

32. If you want to know how angels look, look at your child.

33. Each child considers his mother to be the most intelligent, the most beautiful and the strongest.

34. Only her children can be more beautiful than women.

35. Motherhood is sacred.

36. Mother's prayer takes from the bottom of the sea.

37. Pregnancy gives a woman a chance to make this world purer, lighter and kinder.

38. A woman with a child always has a special aura.

39. Parents are happy when their children are happy.

40. Children first live under the heart, and then they become the same heart.

41. Every woman has a beautiful woman. You need to be able to see it in yourself.