10 months to the child - development, what should be able to?

Parents sincerely rejoice at the smallest success of their baby. All children are individual. They differ from each other in behavior, skills. But there are certain parameters that are characteristic of the majority of healthy toddlers of one or another age. They will allow a careful mummy to note whether the development of crumbs corresponds to norms. Some parents keep diaries, recording in them the achievements of the baby. This makes it easier to analyze information. In the first year, the development of children is most active.

The development of the child in 10-11 months is saturated and interesting. By this age, the kid must already accumulate a whole baggage of knowledge and skills, to which attentive parents will necessarily pay attention.

Features of child development 10 months of life

Children at the age of 10 months study the world around them. They are happy to look at objects and things nearby. The crumb is already able to remember the location of objects. During this period, children sit confidently, crawl, stand on the legs near the barrier and walk, holding on to the support.

Toddlers communicate with others, start to be interested in other children, show interest to them. Therefore, my mother should spend more time with a baby on the playground among other children.

The child can remember and repeat some gestures shown by adults, and apply them to their intended purpose, for example, "bye", "hello", "ladushki". The child tries to imitate his parents. Therefore, you need to show him certain actions more often. For example, you can learn to wash your hands, press buttons, swing toys, comb your hair. All movements should be pronounced and explained to the crumb, why this is done.

For this time, there is a manifestation of a vivid interest in creativity. While it is impossible to say that a child can paint or sculpt in 10 months. Simply mothers teach the crumbs to hold a felt-tip pen or wax crayon, drive them on a sheet of paper, tear off pieces of dough. Also, it is worthwhile to dance with the children to the music. This will help develop coordination of movements.

Now children begin to study the relationship between objects. It is for this reason that they break toys. After all, they want to know the principle of the work of different things.

A lot of time should be given to reading books and viewing pictures in them.

Many are interested in what the child should be able to say in 10 months with normal development. At this age, children listen to the speech of their parents and try to copy them. They can highlight a funny combination of sounds in their eyes and laugh at them. Separate words in children are not yet obtained.

By this age, children are able to express emotions in accordance with the situation. That is, they are capricious, if they do not like something, they require the desired toy, they are happy when they see their relatives. This indicates that the baby is learning to adequately assess the situation.

Development of fine motor skills

It is worth highlighting what the child can do in 10 months. After all, small motor skills strongly affect the development of children. The necessary skills include:

If the parents analyze what the child can do in 10 months, and note that some actions are not yet possible for the child, it is necessary to develop these skills. At this age, it is optimal if the child will perform the actions with both hands, not just the right one.

If my mother suspected that the baby lags behind in development from the norms, it is best to show the baby to the pediatrician. If there are grounds, he will send the crumb to other specialists who will help to cope with the problem.