Technique of running for different distances

Running is a common sport. So, many people can not imagine their morning without running. Each direction of athletics has its own nuances that are important to consider. The technique of running implies the implementation of correct actions with minimal physical losses and maximum result.

The correct technique of running

For running on the run was safe and useful, it is important to know and consider all the technical points. If a person decided to participate in races, then without this, to achieve the results and does not work. Proper running takes into account the position of the body, legs and hands, and still necessary breathing, since the result largely depends on it. Each type of race has its own nuances.

Marathon running technique

The most difficult kind of athletics, which requires not only preparation, but also manifestations of character. Of great importance is the correct technique of running, which is largely individual.

  1. It is important economy and rationality, so run must find for themselves the optimal combination of the length and frequency of steps.
  2. The leg should gently become the front part on the ground, and then, a full stop is made. At the moment of repulsion, the jogging leg should be straightened, and the hip flap should be moved forward.
  3. The technique of breathing when running should be synchronized to the pace, so as not to stray. Note that the inhalation and exhalation should be done only through the mouth, and you need to breathe the belly, not the chest.
  4. Keep your head straight all the time, shoulders spread out, the body tilted slightly. Hands should be relaxed and work rhythmically, without excess amplitude. The angle of the bending of the hands depends on the frequency of the step.

Technics of running for long distances

To overcome a long distance, it is important to take into account the technical features that imply the correct setting of the legs, movement of hands and breathing. There are certain recommendations on how to run for long distances:

  1. First, the outer side of the front of the foot should touch the ground, and then the whole surface of the foot is rolled over. You can not put your foot on the heel. At the moment of repulsion, the jogging leg should become straight. Together with this, the leg of the swing leg moves forward, and its angle of inclination is approximately 50 °.
  2. The technique of long running implies the active work of the hands, which must be put high. When the arm moves backwards at the end point, the elbow should be maximally straightened outwards. When the hand moves forward, the brush rotates inwards, moving to the middle of the body.
  3. The rhythm of breathing should be related to the frequency of the steps. It is important to breathe often, so that the body is fully supplied with oxygen. It is recommended to use a mixed technique of breathing, where the abdominal prevails over the thoracic.
  4. The technique of running implies an almost vertical position of the body with a minimum inclination forward. Thanks to this, the extremities work as efficiently as possible.

Technique of running for medium distances

To achieve good results in running without mastering the right technique, it is impossible and it includes a number of rules:

  1. You need to start with big and frequent steps, and after about 70 m you can go to a smooth and rhythmic pace, which will be the main one. For 300 ml to finish it is necessary to accelerate, not forgetting to tilt the body forward.
  2. Many people are interested in how to run properly so as not to suffocate, so breathing should be adjusted to the speed of movement of the legs and carried out by the mouth.
  3. During the run, it is necessary to straighten the jogging leg together with the hip of the mahogany limb. It is important to do a sweeping of the tibia's leg.
  4. The upper part of the body should be in a straight position, the arms should be energetic, and the foot should be placed on the ground quickly and gently.

Technics of running for short distances

In order to cope with the distance in a short period of time and show good results, it is necessary to know the features of the technique. There are a number of recommendations on how to run a sprint correctly:

  1. The first steps after the start for the acceleration must be performed with fully straightened legs while pushing away from the track. It is not necessary to raise feet very much at the same time. Gradually increase the frequency and length of steps.
  2. The technique of sprinting indicates that the starting acceleration ends after the step becomes permanent. Experts recommend to achieve such results, so that the length of the step was 30-40 cm more than the length of the body.
  3. During the run, the foot should focus on the front part, and the heel just lightly touch the path. To avoid losing speed during the turn, put the feet in the right direction and tilt the body slightly there.

Technique of relay race

In fact, the technical aspects in this case are completely identical to sprinting, except for passing the baton. Participates in the race four athletes who are at the same distance from each other. The basic techniques of running are as follows:

  1. The participant who starts the race is in the low start position. He holds the baton in his right hand. He will have to overcome the turn, so after starting it is recommended to stick to the left side.
  2. The second athlete is in a position of high start and when the first runner is about to run about 20 m, he can start the run. To pick up the wand, you need to take your left hand back with your palm up.
  3. After that, the baton passes to the third and fourth participant who must finish the finish at the maximum speed.

The technique of barrier run

In comparison with other types of barrier run is more difficult in technical terms, since it is important not only to run properly, but also to overcome obstacles. The technique of fast running consists of four stages:

  1. Start and acceleration. After the sound signal, the athlete must develop the maximum speed for the first 13-45 m. On the 4-5 step the body should fully straighten.
  2. The first barrier. The rhythm of the entire race depends on the quality of overcoming the obstacle. To do this, you need to move the flapping leg through the barrier, rather than jump, as many people think. That's why the stretch is very important for the athlete. The technique of barrier running identifies three stages of overcoming the barrier. First, the mahovaja leg raises and straightens, so that the thigh becomes parallel to the ground. It is important that the barrier remains at about 2 m up to the barrier. The transition occurs as a result of detaching the jogging leg and transferring it through the crossbar. During this, the foot of the leg is directed downwards. The gathering is carried out on the toe with a further roll on the heel. In order not to lose speed, keep the case in the forward position.
  3. Overcoming of other obstacles passes by the same scheme, even if the barrier has fallen. Finish is no different from sprinting.

Shuttle Technology

The distance for this run is short, so from the very start, the proper coordination of hands and feet will be of great importance. Use the basic tips on how to properly run the shuttle race :

  1. During overcoming the distance, it is impermissible to straighten the body completely and the body must be constantly tilted forward.
  2. The hands must move parallel to the body, but it is not allowed to fully extend them in the elbows.
  3. After a maximum speed of 5-7 m, you need to reduce acceleration in order to brake and turn around.
  4. Braking should be intense and turn with minimal losses in speed.