How to choose a mattress for a newborn?

As you know, every newborn child almost always spends in bed: he sleeps, plays, examines subjects, studies the surrounding environment. That is why such an element of bedding for a baby, like a mattress, plays a big role.

How to choose?

If there are problems with future mothers with the purchase of a crib almost does not arise, then how many and how to choose a mattress for their newborn, few know.

In no case is it advisable to use a used mattress already in use. During its use, many microbes and dust accumulate inside, which can cause various diseases. Moreover, if the mattress was inherited by the child from the older child, it is unlikely that its orthopedic properties remained unchanged.

So, a baby orthopedic mattress for a newborn is the best option, as it has the following features:

Which filler is better?

Also an important criterion for a newborn's mattress is its filler, coconut or latex.

In most cases, pediatricians recommend young parents to purchase a mattress with coconut filler for their newborn. Explain this with the following features of this material:

As a rule, mattresses for newborns with coconut provide a uniform load on the spine.

An excellent solution can be a two-sided mattress for a newborn. So, on the one hand, coconut plays the role of filler, and latex on the other hand. Thus, the mattress is universal, because it can be used all year round, while the baby will feel comfortable. In the warm season it is better to put the mattress coconut side up, and for the winter - to turn on the latex side.

An important factor when choosing a mattress for a newborn is its size, in particular its height. It should be at least 15 cm. The fact is that for lower values ​​of this indicator, the mattress will not perform its main function - depreciation. In addition, the width and length of the mattress should fully comply with the parameters of the crib. Otherwise, if it is larger than the size of the crib, then at the point of bending the mattress, the spring block will soon fail.

Also there is one more parameter of a children's mattress - rigidity. According to the recommendations of orthopedic doctors, it is better to use medium stiffness for children under 3 years of age. Then, upon reaching the child of this age, the mattress is replaced by a rigid one.

Thus, the choice of a mattress for a newborn is a rather complex process. At the same time, the entire responsibility for the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the baby lies entirely with the parents. If you yourself are not sure of the correctness of your choice or do not know what properties this bedding should possess, it is better to consult an orthopedic doctor who will give you advice on choosing a mattress.

In no case should you not buy the first liked or offered by the seller a mattress, not having taken an interest in its properties, a filler, the country of manufacture and the firm the manufacturer.