7 reasons to have sex right now

Did you know that making love acts on us as something incredibly useful? So, you get not only cosmic pleasure, strengthen relations with your partner, but still rejuvenate your body.

In addition to this, keep a number of reasons why you should have sex regularly, forgetting that sometimes your head hurts.

1. Orgasm cures all diseases.

However strange it may sound, it is proved that couples who regularly make love get sick less often than those who have forgotten what an intimate life is. If today you do not have time to visit the gym, be aware that sex before bedtime will help you catch up. Moreover, it strengthens sleep and reduces the risk of heart disease.

2. Relationships become stronger.

Sex is emotional and psychological intimacy. When you experience an orgasm, a lot of oxytocin is thrown into the blood, a hormone that boosts trust, satisfaction and reduces anxiety, fear. In addition, thanks to oxytocin, both partners are even more attached to each other.

3. Improves skin condition.

And you did not know that thanks to sex you will look even more beautiful? Doctors say that intimate proximity increases the circulation of blood throughout the body, due to which the skin is even more saturated with oxygen. And this means that it acquires a healthy appearance and a beautiful radiance.

4. Making love increases self-confidence.

The realization that you are attracting men has a positive effect on your self-esteem. As a result, you feel more confident, believe in yourself, your strengths, and not only you, but your partner are happy too.

5. Monthly become shorter and less painful.

Okay, let's explain how it works: when a girl makes love, as is known, her uterus contracts. As a result, the number of painful spasms decreases, and therefore the rejection of the endometrium occurs faster, which explains the shortening of the "these days".

6. Sex relieves stress.

As during the normal workout, during the period of lovemaking, the body produces endorphins that help to relieve tension, become more relaxed and, as a result, happier. The less you are tense, the more harmony between you and your young man. This suggests that sex can safely be called a pill of happiness.

7. Orgasm will make you smarter.

Yes, yes, you correctly understood that due to intimate affinity you will become smarter. Studies show that orgasm improves blood circulation, saturating it with oxygen, and the brain refills with nutrients. As a result, orgasm covers every part of the brain, due to which your mental abilities are activated.