Anesthetic tablets with monthly - list

A rare woman during menstrual flow or a few days before them does not experience pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen. Virtually all of the fair sex with fear waiting for the next monthly, because at this time feel completely broken and can not cope with the pain.

Since during the period of menstruation, most girls and women continue to work and lead a customary lifestyle, they have to take various pills, the action of which is aimed at removing pain. In every pharmacy today you can buy a lot of such tools, but not all of them really help effectively. In this article, we will tell you which analgesic tablets with the monthly are the strongest, and how to choose the right medicine for yourself.

The best analgesic tablets with monthly

According to the majority of girls and women, the most effective remedy, which very quickly relieves pain during menstruation, is the well-known spasmolytic No-Shpa. As a rule, in a similar situation take 2 tablets, and after 10-15 minutes the intensity of pain is significantly reduced. In severe cases, you can take the drug in such a dosage in the morning, afternoon and evening, but use it in this way is not recommended without first consulting a doctor.

A similar action with monthly have and inexpensive analgesic tablets called Drotaverine. The active substance in this preparation is the same as in No-Shpe, drotaverine hydrochloride, but it is much cheaper. Unfortunately, such tablets can be purchased only in a small part of the pharmacies.

But-Shpa and Drotaverin are quite reliable and, at the same time, safe means. According to the instructions for use, these drugs are allowed for admission in adults and children, starting at the age of three. That is why these painkillers can be prescribed for men and teenage girls. Nevertheless, some girls after receiving them experience unwanted side effects, in particular, vomiting and nausea.

What other pain medications can I drink with menstruation?

Despite the fact that No-Shpa and Drotaverin are really effective for getting rid of pain during menstruation, they help not everyone. In addition, some women can not take them because of the development of side effects. In this case, it is recommended to use anesthetic tablets, which can be taken with monthly, from the following list: