Is it possible to commemorate the trinitarian?

Since ancient times, people on the eve of the holiday of the Trinity remember the deceased relatives and friends. At the same time, many are interested in whether it is possible to commemorate suicides on the Trinity Saturday. Because depriving yourself of life is a sin, then the church treats such people in a special way.

Is it possible to commemorate the trinitarian?

In Orthodoxy there is a law that if a person has left his life of his own free will, the church does not remember him. Priests refuse to celebrate suicide bombers and do not pray for the salvation of their souls. Many are sure that on Trinity Parent Saturday it is possible to commemorate absolutely all people who have left their lives, but this is not so. This day is no exception. Suicides can not find peace after death, as they interrupted the most important gift of God - life.

Finding out why the Trinity is not commemorated by the suicides, it is worth mentioning that in the hymns of the Holy Trinity Parents' Sabbath, there are still words that are a request to God that he will place his mercy upon people who have committed suicide. Despite this, the nominal commemoration does not take place, if the blessing for the funeral service was not received. The Church gives it only if, in their opinion, a person was in such a state when he could not be held responsible for his own actions because of the disease. Each case is custom-made.

This does not mean that you can not pray at all because there are special short prayers that are used by close relatives, to at least somehow ease the state of the soul of a suicide. It should be noted that it is important to get permission from the clergy.

Is it possible to remember Radonitsa suicidal?

On this account, the church's opinion is also unchanged, and prayers about people who are suicides, drowned people or unbaptized can be read only after the blessing of the clergyman. If desired, you can go to church, put candles for the peace and pray for a relative or friend.