How to make strawberry jam at home?

Today we will tell in our material how to cook delicious, thick and divinely aromatic strawberry jam at home, and we will offer options for brewing cookies on a plate with gelatin, and also tell you how to make a delicacy with the help of a multivark and a bread maker.

How to make a thick strawberry jam with gelatin - a recipe for winter



In this case, the density of jam is not achieved by prolonged, tiring jam cooking and an impressive portion of granulated sugar. We will achieve the necessary thick texture here in a completely different way, adding gelatin to the jam.

To implement this idea, we first prepare, as appropriate, berries. For this, we wash them, sort them, release them from the pedicels, and put them in an enameled container. Pour the layers with sugar and leave for a while to separate the juice. After this, if desired, punch the berries with a blender or just mash with hands, add gelatin to the mass, mix and let stand for some time.

Now we place the vessel with the preform on a moderate fire and warm it up, often stirring, to a boil. We reduce the fire to a minimum, we let the jam on the fire for another two minutes, after which we pour out the previously sterilized containers, roll them up with sterile lids and place them under a warm blanket until it cools down completely.

How to cook delicious strawberry jam at home in a multivariate?



Preparation of strawberry jam, as in the previous case, begins with the preliminary preparation of berries. We rinse the strawberries, dry them, remove them from the pedicles and grind them in any convenient way. You can crush berries, crush or knead, and for greater homogeneity of the billet it is better to punch the berries with a blender or grind it in a meat grinder.

Prepared strawberry mass is transferred into the capacity of the multi-device, we cover it with sugar and mix it. Turn the device on in the "Heating" mode and stand the strawberry with sugar, from time to time stirring, until all the sugar crystals are dissolved.

After that, we transfer the device to any mode with maintaining the temperature at a level of one hundred degrees. It may be, depending on the model of the device, the program "Soup", "Varka" or "Baking" with the possibility of choosing the temperature.

We prepare the jam, without closing the lid and, periodically mixing it to the desired density, which from time to time we test on a cooled drop on a plate.

On readiness we pour jam on sterile dry glass jars, we seal them tightly with lids and let it cool down, putting it under the blanket for self-sterilization.

How to cook strawberry jam at home in a bread maker?



Preparation of jam from strawberries in the bread maker is absolutely not troublesome. It is enough just to put in a bucket the necessary amount of pre-prepared washed and dried strawberries without tails, fill the berries with sugar and add lemon juice or citric acid crystals. After that, tightly close the lid of the device, install the program "Jam" or "Jam" and can do their own thing. Miracle the device itself will set the cooking time and cook a delicious strawberry billet.

Now it remains only to pour jam on sterile jars, to cork them and put under a blanket to cool.