Discovery of chakras

Those who comprehend yoga, are interested in the technique of opening chakras, because it is a quick and reliable way to harmonize your body and your spirit, to heal your energy and become happier. There are various techniques for opening chakras - exercises, meditation and mantras . We will consider a simple method and pay attention to the essence of the process itself.

Discovery of human chakras

Disclosure of the chakra is a set of measures aimed at creating a flow of energy between the desired and below the chakras. All of them are interrelated, and the energy circulates only in those that are revealed. Closed chakras pose a threat to mental and physical health.

Opening chakras, you achieve the following effects:

It is important to follow all the rules and not to make mistakes, so as not to worsen the state of the chakra. If you want a productive work, you must first strengthen your body and spirit, and also learn how to feel how energy moves in the body.

Mantras for opening chakras

Effectively disclose chakras allow bija mantras, which are very short mantras that do not have a translation. In fact, they are special sound vibrations that affect the chakras according to the principle of resonance. You will remember the seven basic mantras for the chakras: AUM, OM, HAM, YAM, RAM, YOU, LAM. Working with them is quite simple:

  1. Sit on the mat in the lotus pose. If this posture is not available to you, take another convenient position for you. As an option, you can comfortably sit in the chair.
  2. Make sure that your back is perfectly straight.
  3. Relax, slowly and deeply inhale and exhale thrice.
  4. Concentrate on the coccyx, where the first chakra is located. Repeat 8 times the LAM mantra, representing a red glow.
  5. Then stop focusing on the area of ​​the pubic bone - there is located the second chakra, Swadhisthana. Imagine an orange color and repeat 8 times to YOU.
  6. Turn attention to the navel area. This is Manipura - the chakra, the third one. Imagine the yellow glow of this area and say 8 times the PAM.
  7. Turn attention to the heart center - there is the fourth chakra of Anahata. Present the green light and say 8 times the NM.
  8. Translate mental attention to the area of ​​the throat hollow (this is Vishuddha, the fifth chakra), imagine how it shines in blue. Repeat the HAM mantra 8 times.
  9. Focus on the area of ​​the "third eye" - between the eyebrows, where the sixth chakra is. Imagine the blue color. Say OM 8 times.
  10. Mentally repeat the mantra AUM 8 times, concentrating on the top of the head, where the seventh chakra is located.
  11. Slowly open your eyes, sit, give yourself time to get out of meditation.

Having finished meditation in this direction, you can again work through each chakra, but in the reverse order. In order not to lose count when counting, you can get a rosary with 8 beads, which can be sorted out at each repetition. Another option is to use audio recordings with meditation on mantras.

Important! In order to raise morale, it is worth to pass this meditation from the first chakra to the seventh, that is, from the bottom up. If you want to "ground", refer to lower energies, then it's better to choose a sequence from the seventh to the first.