Chum - caloric content

Keta is known as the "Pacific salmon", which is famous not only for its dietary meat, but also as a source of high-quality red caviar. The content of vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, E, provitamin A, as well as a variety of micro- and macro-elements distinguish it from white fish with high nutritional value . Caloric content of chum is only 127 kcal, so it can safely be included in the diet of slimming girls.

Calories of fried chum salmon

Not every hostess can boast of the experience of cooking fried chum salmon, and very vainly. at low caloric value (228 kcal), the chum has 21.6 g of protein, 13 g of fat and 5.6 g of carbohydrates, which is 32%, 17% and 2% of the daily nutrients, respectively. Surprisingly tasty is the chum, roasted in flour. Slightly fried and braised chopped Bulgarian pepper with the addition of chopped parsley will complement the taste of fried chum salmon.

Caloric content of chum salmon

Surprised with its taste cooked steamed ket, its caloric value is 127 kcal, it contains 19 g of protein and 6 g of fat. Cook it better with the addition of seasonings "to fish" and lightly sprinkled with lemon juice. To give a light summer flavor, you can put a sprig of dill between the chum salmon steaks, the fish will give the rest of the richness of taste and aroma itself.

Caloric content of boiled chum salmon

Boiled chum salmon does not differ in its caloric content from cooked steamed, but it has taste differences due to the variety of ingredients added to the broth. According to the classic recipe, you need to add half-chopped chopped mugs, an onion cut into 4 pieces, but not completely, so that the segments are held together on a ponytail, parsley, bay leaf , salt, pepper. After the fish is ready, white or red sauce is made on the basis of the resulting broth, which can advantageously emphasize the taste of the fish and turn it into a delicacy.