Viral stomatitis in children - symptoms

Perhaps the most common type of stomatitis in children is viral. It accounts for about 80% of all cases of the disease. The cause of its occurrence is the herpes virus. Infection of the child is carried out mainly by airborne droplets. However, the virus can enter the body through the dishes, toys of the baby, i.e. contact method.

How can one recognize the child's own viral stomatitis?

This disease affects mainly children, whose age does not exceed 4 years. The distinctive symptoms of viral stomatitis in children are:

The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature - up to 38 degrees and above. The child becomes sluggish, refuses to eat. Approximately on the second day of the disease, the mother can detect ulcers in the mouth of the baby - aphthae, which when touched, are very painful. Usually they have an oval shape, and their color can vary from light yellow to white. On the perimeter of the rashes there is a red border.

The incubation period of such a disease as viral stomatitis usually lasts 3-4 days. That is why, until the appearance of rashes, this disease is taken for banal ARI.

How to cure viral stomatitis?

Treatment of viral stomatitis in children is practically no different from treating other forms of the disease. The only thing that is unique is that, together with anesthesia, children are prescribed antiviral drugs, for example, Bonafton.

Also, several times a day, according to medical instructions, the mother should perform oral cavity treatment. It is very important to treat not only affected areas, but also those that remained unaffected, in order to avoid the spread of the rash.