How to gargle with hydrogen peroxide?

Throat diseases are very common, especially in the cold season. They are characterized by symptoms such as redness, sore throat, feelings of perspiration, dryness, cough (at first dry, and then wet), etc. Most often, throat diseases are caused by a bacterial infection that can provoke inflammation both as a result of infection from outside and due to activation of pathogens in exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

In the complex therapy of infectious-inflammatory diseases of the throat, a special place is given to such a therapeutic procedure as rinsing with antiseptic solutions. This technique is aimed at removing from the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils accumulating mucus and plaque along with pathogenic bacteria, suppressing the vital activity of the latter, and also moistening the tissues. One of the drugs that can be used for rinsing is the familiar hydrogen peroxide. Consider how to gargle with hydrogen peroxide, in what proportions to prepare a solution for angina , pharyngitis and other diseases of the throat.

How to properly rinse throat with hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is a preparation with good disinfecting and cleaning properties, non-toxic, but it should be taken into account that its concentrated solutions are capable of causing burns. Therefore, when using hydrogen peroxide as a rinse aid, care must be taken to adhere to certain rules.

Do not use undiluted peroxide for procedures. To prepare a safe and effective solution for rinsing, it is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of the preparation (3%) in 200 ml of slightly warm water (better boiled), mix thoroughly. It should be borne in mind that every time you need to prepare a fresh, fresh solution. When carrying out peroxide rinsing procedures for maximum benefit, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

  1. When rinsing, the head should be thrown back, the tongue to stick out as much as possible forward, to pronounce the sounds "yyy".
  2. The duration of the rinse should be at least half a minute.
  3. After rinsing with peroxide solution, you should rinse your throat with ordinary warm boiled water to neutralize the oxidizing effect of the drug on the mucous membrane.
  4. Approximately one hour before and after the procedure, you can not eat and drink liquid.

Also, avoid ingestion of the medication and ingestion. The procedure should be conducted about four to five times a day, while the total duration of treatment can be from 3-4 days to a week, in some cases - more.

How to gargle with hydrogen peroxide on Neumyvakin?

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor IP Neumyvakin, who developed his own health system, regards hydrogen peroxide as a panacea for any diseases and even recommends taking it in small doses daily. According to Neumyvakin, this substance not only fights against infections, but also is able to perform in the body a number of important functions, such as:

Despite the fact that the medical methods of the professor are not recognized by official medicine, there is much evidence of the positive results of his health system. As for the rules for rinsing the throat with hydrogen peroxide, in this case Neumyvakin's opinion practically converges with the traditional method described above.