How to fry the seeds?

If for some reason you prefer home-made fried seeds, and not a purchased analogue in a bright package, then our instructions on how to fry seeds are sure to come in handy.

How to fry the seeds with salt in a frying pan?

For roasting, it is best to use a cast-iron frying pan that is able to heat up as evenly as possible and give off heat. Before pouring out the seeds, the pan is well heated. When the seeds are on fire, stir them, seeking uniform heating. Note that it is not worth piling and pouring in a lot of seeds at once - here the main thing is moderation.

Dilute the salt in 100 ml of water to taste and pour the brine into the pan. Do not want salt seeds - just do not add salt. The liquid will quickly evaporate, helping the seeds to swell from the inside. Thanks to this simple reception it will be easier to click.

When all visible water evaporates, its residues will come out of the seeds themselves. The process will be followed by a slight click. When snapping stops, peel one of the seeds and look at its color: the cream color indicates readiness.

How delicious to fry the seeds in the oven?

Do not want to stand over the frying pan? Rinse the seeds and spread them evenly on a baking sheet, previously covered with paper. Put the baking sheet in the oven and leave it to bake at 160 degrees for 15 minutes. In this case, during the baking season, the seeds must be mixed a couple of times. The finished seeds are transferred to a sheet of parchment and wrapped to allow the nucleoli to reach their readiness under the action of residual heat.

If you do not know how to fry peeled seeds, then the scheme is approximately the same, only the cooking time is immediately cut to half.

How to fry pumpkin seeds?

Fresh pumpkin seeds first of all by all means washed out to get rid of the rests of flesh. To seeds did not cause discomfort in the intestines, they must be poured with salt water for a couple of days, then well dried and distributed on a baking sheet. The finished seeds are placed in a preheated oven for 200 minutes for 40 minutes, while periodically mixing them.