A ranch for fry in the aquarium

Each experienced amateur aquarium fish at least once, but faced with situations when adult fish ate their fry . It is for this reason that experts recommend that the future mother be planted in a separate container for the safety of fry. But this solution to the problem not only delivers additional trouble to the aquarist, but also the fish are uncomfortable because of the lack of proper conditions, wither and sick. The way out of this situation was a ridge for guppies and other live-bearing fish.

In each pet shop you can find two main modifications of the riders:

Based on the experience of experienced aquarists, hard shells are much safer for your pets. First of all, because predatory fish can also fry the fry and through the tissue. And there are situations where small fish are entangled in the folds of the fabric and there suffocate. Therefore, to buy or to do by your own hands should be a ridge with solid walls.

How to make a ridge for fry?

The simplest and cheapest base that you can think of for a rider is a plastic bottle. It is necessary to cut off the neck from it. But you need to do this so that at the top of the resulting glass there is a "tail" with a width of about 4 cm and a length of 7-10 cm. You can make a convenient hook from it, in order to hang a glass on the edge of the aquarium. And most importantly, what should be done to make the glass become a reaper - this is using a needle to make a lot of holes through which the water can circulate.

A ridge in a common aquarium is preferably located near the nebulizer, for better ventilation. Now the fry will be in the aquarium with water of the right temperature, enriched with oxygen, etc., but at the same time in complete safety.