How to raise hemoglobin?

"Oh, how tired I am today." This phrase, mentally or aloud, was pronounced by almost each of us, lying in the evening from your feet from day-to-day worries and hassle. But, as a rule, during the night we have time to rest and gain fresh strength, so that in the morning we are already rushing to work again, or we are leading kids to a kindergarten and a school, or we are going to our six hundred square meters to work hard there. But if even after a night's sleep, the evening fatigue does not evaporate, the head hurts, it breaks all the body, it overcomes lethargy, and a pale grimace looks from the mirror, we must think about it, is everything okay with our health? And most often in the female half of humanity in such a decadent state low level of hemoglobin is guilty - a substance that stains blood in the usual red color and saturates the entire body with oxygen. And since the problem is so important, it's time to talk about how to raise a low hemoglobin, and get back to normal.

What causes hemoglobin?

But in order to competently and effectively raise the level of hemoglobin, you need to know at least the main reasons for which it falls. And also the numbers of the normal level of this substance in the blood.

So, the norm of hemoglobin for men is 130 g per liter of blood, for women - 120 g per liter of blood, for babies up to a year and pregnant - 110 g per liter of blood. Deviations from these norms by 2-5 units are not terrible, but with a more significant decrease there is weakness, lethargy, fatigue, headaches, decreased mood and general malaise, the skin becomes pale, eyes and hair fade. And the most deplorable result can be iron deficiency anemia.

The causes that cause a drop in hemoglobin are as follows:

Well, now let's see how and how to raise the low level of hemoglobin.

How to raise hemoglobin?

You can raise the low level of hemoglobin in two ways. First, with medicines. But prescribing drugs that raise hemoglobin, should only the doctor, based on each case. Self-activity, especially for pregnant women, can end very negatively, and you still have to seek medical help, only for a larger scale.

Secondly, the means of traditional medicine and corrective nutrition, that is, a special diet. From the folk remedies you can offer the following:

  1. Every morning, drink on an empty stomach rose hips with a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey on a glass of drink for adults. For children enough and half a glass of drink.
  2. Take in equal parts lemon, honey, walnuts, raisins and dried apricots. Nuts and fruit, pass through a meat grinder and mix with honey. Eat 1 tablespoon of this mixture every day. If you take a glass of each of the ingredients, you will get a full course, which will put you on your feet. You can repeat it in six months or a year.

What to eat to raise hemoglobin?

But what you should eat to raise the hemoglobin:

Here, probably, and all the basic knowledge of how to raise hemoglobin. Use, and be healthy.