Terrarium for red turtle own hands

The arrangement of a terrarium for a red-bellied turtle with its own hands requires consideration of some features of these amphibians.

Requirements for the turtle terrarium with their own hands

Firstly, a water patch of the terrarium is absolutely necessary (therefore, such containers are also called aquaterariums). And, recent research suggests that turtles feel much better in a sufficiently deep aquarium, where they can swim freely. The second necessary site is an island of land where the turtle can warm. Usually it is directed to the rays of the illuminating and UV lamps. Such an islet should not be more than 20 cm from the surface of the aquarium, so that the tortoise can not escape from it. So, let's see how to make the decoration of the terrarium with your own hands.

Decorating the terrarium with your own hands

  1. We select and purchase a suitable aquarium of rectangular or square shape. The size of the aquarium is determined independently, depending on your requests and the number of turtles you plan to keep. However, it is not recommended to purchase containers of too small size, less than 20 liters.
  2. At the bottom of the aquarium we pour out the soil - small pebbles.
  3. We install large boulders to create a relief.
  4. We dig and press the boulders larger than the algae.
  5. Carefully on the wall or using a cup and a siphon we fill the aquarium with water.
  6. We make an islet. To do this, from the foam plastic we cut out preforms of any shape. In all the blanks except the top and bottom we make a square hole. Collect the blanks together, fall asleep in the hole gravel for weighting. In the upper and lower billet, make two holes and connect them with a rope, fastening the whole structure.
  7. Special cement for plumbing works and swimming pools is carefully coated with the whole structure. Let the composition dry.
  8. Acrylic paint of the appropriate color is an islet. We let the paint dry and install it in the water aquarium. You can run turtles.