A sequence of allergies

One of the most frequent manifestations of allergies is a skin rash - it gives a lot of unpleasant sensations in the form of itching and burning. Even after the removal of the allergen, dermatitis or eczema can be reminiscent of it for a long time. It is known that steroidal creams and ointments can easily cope with these troubles. But very few people know that a rather effective way to get rid of the rash can be with the help of decoctions and infusions from plants. Not only folk, but also traditional medicine among a large number of local medicines gives preference to the turn.

The sequence against allergies

The composition of the sequence includes vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on the regeneration of skin tissues. A vitamin C in combination with flavonoids increases the body's resistance to the influence of external negative factors.

In large quantities, the string also contains tannins, zinc and sulfur. This composition makes this plant one of the best drugs for the treatment of skin diseases. Therefore, a series of allergies, or rather, against its skin manifestations, is recommended by many dermatologists. Main properties of the sequence:

Proper use of this fragrant plant makes it possible to experience a noticeable improvement in the skin condition from the first procedure. The sequence, the properties of which have long been known to folk healers, is used not only as a medicine for local effects.

Regular intake of tea from the string can permanently relieve allergies. And couples containing valuable essential oil, relieve nervous excitement, help to treat insomnia. It turns out that the turn is a remedy that can be used for complex treatment of allergies.

Allergy treatment

To treat allergic dermatitis and other allergic rashes, you need to prepare a decoction. How to brew a string:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. dry leaves alternate with 1 glass of steep boiling water.
  2. Within 15 min. The mixture should be insisted on a water bath, making sure that it does not boil.
  3. Filtered warm infusion is ready for use.

This broth is used as a lotion for heavily affected skin areas, rub the skin with redness several times a day until complete recovery. It is worth noting that the preparation of infusion or broth is needed every day, since the shelf life of the medicine is very short - only 12 hours. Also in the pharmacy you can buy a ready-made string extract, using it in treatment for local effects. The extract is prepared on a water-based basis with the addition of alcohol and glycerin. This composition continues the shelf life of the drug.

And here's how to prepare and take a turn for treating allergies as tea:

  1. 1 tsp. dry leaves pour 1 cup boiling water (like regular tea).
  2. The welding should be infused for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Drink tea from the turn can be 3-4 times a day for several years.
  4. Tea must have a golden transparent shade. Green or cloudy liquid is not usable.
Does it help a lot from allergies?

Of course, only patient and responsible patients can answer this question. After getting rid of the rash - it does not mean to overcome the disease as a whole. But a few years of regular intake of tea from the turn will really make it possible to forget about such a disease as an allergy.

Contraindications to the use of the sequence

Useful properties of the sequence are proven even for infants. But there are some contraindications to the sequence. And they are associated with an overdose and abuse of extracts and broths. Excessive craze can lead to:

It is easy to avoid all these troubles. It is necessary to adhere to the dosage of the drug, with caution to use it for the treatment of children and not to use people with individual intolerance to the sequence.