Oat broth - medicinal properties

Oats - this is an annual cereal plant, the fruits of which have been used for food purposes since ancient times. This cereal is especially appreciated in dietary, children's, and also sports nutrition. Everyone knows oats flakes "Hercules", also from oats make cereals, flour used for baking bread, pancakes, cookies, etc., make oatmeal, milk replacer, alcoholic beverages. In addition, oats are a valuable raw material for the pharmaceutical industry, widely used in homeopathy and folk medicine. As a means of traditional medicine is often used decoction of oats, the medicinal properties and contraindications which will be discussed later.

Useful properties of broth from oats

Healthy properties of decoction from oats are explained by the use of untreated, unprocessed grains, all valuable substances from which they pass into the liquid and are preserved. The oatmeal and its shell contain the following components:

The main properties of oats decoction:

This agent helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, purify blood vessels and liver, remove toxins and toxins, improve thyroid function, strengthen the immune system, etc.

Broth from unpeeled oats grains is recommended for taking with such pathologies:

How to cook and take a decoction of oats?

Oat broth is prepared in various ways, depending on the purpose of use. The most universal and simple is this recipe:

  1. Rinse the unpeeled oat kernels in a blender or coffee grinder.
  2. Pour boiling water in such a proportion: one tablespoon per glass of water.
  3. Infuse in a thermos for about 12 hours.
  4. Strain, take a 0.5-1 glass for half an hour of food 3-4 times a day.

Oats can be decocted with honey, which will only enhance its medicinal properties.

Therapeutic properties of oats broth for arthrosis

In the treatment of osteoarthritis oat broth will be useful due to the ability to normalize metabolic processes and remove excess salt from the body. It is recommended to take a decoction prepared according to this recipe:

  1. Pour a handful of untreated washed grains into 2.5 liters of water.
  2. Boil, then steal over low heat for 40 minutes.
  3. Cool, strain, drink during the day in small portions.

The healing properties of oats broth for the kidneys

Due to its diuretic and cleansing properties, this remedy perfectly helps with various pathologies of the urinary system. And, what is noteworthy, the folk remedy facilitates the passage of stones and sand from the kidneys. For this, you can use a decoction cooked according to a universal recipe.

Despite the value of oats, decoction can not be accepted by everyone. Contraindications to the use of oats decoction: