Coriander - useful properties and contraindications

Coriander belongs to the umbrella family - this plant is widely used in cooking and folk medicine due to its special taste qualities and rich composition.

Where does it come from?

The fruits of coriander first mastered in the Mediterranean, where the plant comes from. Gradually, it has gained popularity among many peoples of the world, where it is used as a seasoning for dishes. About its use in ancient times is evidenced by the data on the Egyptian papyrus, where the information was preserved that it was used for medicinal purposes. This historical document is dated 1550 BC, and therefore it remains only to imagine how valuable this remedy is preserved in modern culinary culture and folk medicine.

For these purposes, use coriander - the fruits of the plant, as well as the greens, which is called coriander. Of the seeds also make essential oil, which is used in the cosmetic, perfume and pharmaceutical industries.

Coriander, thanks to its pronounced properties, brings not only good, but also harm. After all, it contains 11 vitamins, 5 microelements and 5 macronutrients, not all of which are well tolerated by any organism. It is not surprising that coriander, having useful properties, also has contraindications, being so saturated with biologically active substances.

Coriander - useful properties and treatment

Coriander is used to treat eye diseases - for example, essential oil is used in pharmaceuticals to create medicines for keratitis , glaucoma and conjunctivitis. Also, pharmacists use its properties to create drugs designed to treat respiratory organs.

For local treatment of the breast, nursing mothers on the basis of coriander make an ointment.

Decoctions of coriander help to fix the work of the gastrointestinal tract, get rid of parasites, and also cure colds and quench the pain.

The fruits of coriander contain the following vitamins:

Thus, coriander can be called a saturated remedy, which should be used cautiously in treatment - with increased dosage it can not so much cure as to do much harm.

Coriander - contraindications

Tea with coriander can harm health, because it has a toxic effect, if it is taken in large quantities. It is known that coriander saves from helminths, and, as you know, medicines with such a property poison the body, which does not allow the parasites to survive.

For the same reason, spice is contraindicated in pregnancy, especially in the first months.

Due to the fact that it has a diuretic effect, coriander is contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys.

Also, it should not be taken for food and medicinal purposes for people who have poor blood coagulation - the presence of iron helps to thin the blood, and this can lead to internal bleeding if there are injuries.

With hypertension, coriander can not be taken because it increases blood pressure. For this reason, when hypertension is not recommended to use many spices.

Also, the fruits of this plant can adversely affect the cardiovascular diseases, causing complications. This is especially true for people who have survived myocardial infarction, or those who have a tendency to it.

With a stomach ulcer or gastritis, the fruits of the plant are also prohibited to ingestion. If you neglect this advice, the mucosa will be irritated even more.

If you apply juice of coriander on an open wound, then in this case there may be burning, and therefore it should not be used in a concentrated format.

Than to replace a coriander?

Greens can be replaced with parsley, but you need to be ready, that it is another plant, with other properties and taste qualities.

Fruits can be replaced by cumin, but in this case there will be no absolute identity either.