A small ritual of the pentagram

Magic is a thing as interesting as it is dangerous. That is why almost every action (especially in ceremonial magic) is preceded by a small ritual of the banishing pentagram. Its goal is to harmonize the internal energy and cleanse the negative influences of the future place of magical actions. Of course, this is not the only purpose of the ritual, but within the framework of this article we will not consider these aspects, but we will talk about the ritual that prepares the room and the caster for the following magical actions.

A small ritual of the pentagram

Before the beginning of this action, one should perform the Ritual of the Kabbalistic Cross. Now you can begin to draw pentagrams in 4 sides.

  1. Face face east and draw a pentagram in the air with a ritual dagger. You need to start drawing from the bottom up and from left to right. Imagine that it shines in blue, and bring the dagger to the center of the picture. Label the name YHVH (YodHeVauG). Before turning south, draw an arc of bright red color.
  2. Now draw a pentagram and, having lifted the dagger to its cent, name ADNI (Adonai). Draw the arc again and turn to the west.
  3. Drawing a pentagram, bring the dagger to its center and vibrate AHIH (Ehye). Continue the arc and turn north.
  4. Draw the pentagram again, point the dagger at its center and say AGLA. Return to the east, completing a circle of shining white color.

After all the figures are drawn, proceed to invocation of the archangels. Spreading his hands in the sides, say "in front of me" and vibrate "Raphael". Imagine the archangel on a pale, clean, light yellow background. Feel a light breeze that refreshes the air.

Saying "Behind Me", vibrate "Gabriel". Imagine behind you a shining white Archangel with a silver cup in his right hand, standing on a blue ocean. Feel the flow of sea wind and fog.

Say "To my right" and name it "Mikael". Imagine in this side of the Archangel with a magical rod (pommel of diamond) in his right hand. Background - waves of red, scarlet and orange. Feel the heat coming from the South.

Say "Left of Me" and say "Uriel". Try to imagine the Archangel to your left, holding a disc with a shining white pentagram. Background - brown earth, trees with olive leaves. Feel the Earth under your feet, the smell of foliage and moist soil emanating from it.

Now saying, "Around me, the pentagrams shine, and the six-pointed star is burning in the column," imagine a full shining circle of white that is surrounded on 4 sides by pentagrams. In the center is the Kabbalistic Cross, the light of which passes through your body.

The banishing ritual of the small pentagram is completed, just as it began - with the help of the Kabbalistic Cross.