Fallen angels in Christianity and how to cause the fallen angel?

From time immemorial, the forces of good were opposed by darkness. This is seen in various areas, from fairy tales and ending with religion. The main helpers of people are the angels, but if they do bad deeds, their Lord expels them from heaven and they turn to the side of Satan.

Who are the fallen angels?

God created angels to help them communicate his will to people and accomplish various tasks. Among them were those who for different reasons decided to go against the will of the Lord, for which they were driven from heaven. Even people who are interested in what a fallen angel means, it is worth knowing that as a result, such entities have gone over to the side of evil and began to help Satan. The fallen angels are Nephilim, because they fell from the world and filled it with miscarriages from their fornication. Among the people they are also called demons.

The Fallen Angel Lucifer

Many do not know that the main enemy of God, once was his main assistant. Lucifer's name translates as "bearer of light" and was previously associated with the morning star. He always bathed in the love of the Lord, possessed immense power and beauty. For those who are interested in how Lucifer became a fallen angel, one should know that the main cause of his exile was his pride.

One day he considered himself equal with God and stopped listening to his orders. He descended into the Garden of Eden, taking the form of a serpent, and tempted Eve. God saw that in the heart of Lucifer there is no more love and it is filled with pride. All this caused the wrath of the Almighty, and he threw it to Hell, where he is still serving his punishment. Together with him, other fallen angels were deposed from heaven, who took the side of darkness.


The Fallen Angel Belial

Belial is considered to be comparable in strength to Lucifer. According to legend, it appeared long before the rise of Christianity itself. The names of the fallen angels are of special importance, and Belial from the Hebrew is translated as "one who does not have dignity."

  1. In ancient scriptures, the demon is represented as the root of all evil on earth.
  2. There is information that Belial was the first fallen angel before the Lord expelled Lucifer.
  3. In some ancient Christian sources it is represented by the Antichrist.


The Fallen Angel Leviathan

This demon, together with Lucifer, was at the head of the insurrection of the angels. Quality, which is especially attractive for Leviathan, is greed. He is engaged in that he inclines people to commit sins, rejecting them from the faith.

  1. Angel Leviathan has an enemy from the side of the light forces - the apostle Peter.
  2. It is believed that Leviathan brought Satan with Lilith, and Cain appeared from this union.
  3. In some sources, he is accused of being a serpent who has pushed Eve to sin.


The Fallen Angel Lilith

The Church completely refutes the information according to which Lilith was the first woman created by God in a couple of Adam. She was distinguished by her wayward and strong character, therefore she did not submit to her husband or the Lord, and he drove her from Paradise.

  1. It is believed that after the expulsion, three angels were sent to kill the woman, but they decided to punish her and there are three versions of it. According to the first, she was tormented every night by the death of hundreds of her children, the second - her descendants turn into demons, and the third - Lilith became barren.
  2. The dark angel Lilith is considered an entity that harms procreation.
  3. In the Sumerian legends, she is described as a goddess with extraordinary beauty and destructive power.
  4. There are different options for describing the appearance. More often it is a beauty, which has incredible attractive sexuality . In ancient sources, Lilith has a body overgrown with hair, paws and a snake's tail.
  5. It is believed that after the expulsion from Paradise, she created a couple with Lucifer.


The Fallen Angel of Azazel

Among others this essence is distinguished by its cunning and the ability to create intrigues for people. Many are interested, Azazel is an angel or a demon, and so in different sources he is described in different ways, but the fact that he was one of Lucifer's accomplices is for sure.

  1. Initially, Azazel called a ritual animal - a goat, which every year was sent to the desert with all the sins of the Israeli people.
  2. The original meaning of the name is forgiveness.
  3. The story of Azazel's fall includes several episodes. There are commentators indicating that he was a tempter-tempter.
  4. He is considered an angel by a cherub who taught men to handle weapons, and women to create drugs.
  5. Many fallen angels are outwardly similar to man and Azazel is no exception. Represent his old men with a beard and the horns of a goat.


The Fallen Angel Succubus

There were among the expelled angels and the fair sex. The names of the fallen angels of women include such a creature as Succubus.

  1. Succubus is presented to people by a beautiful naked woman who has wings behind her back.
  2. This fallen angel is considered a diabolical incarnation that feeds on human forces.
  3. The demon comes to men when they are weakened by their own passions. He reads the desires of his victim and embodies them. The lust of the lion gets power by the time of sexual intercourse. When a man succumbs to her deceit, he will no longer get out of her trap.


How to call the fallen angel?

Before you get involved with the forces of darkness, you need to think carefully, because it's very dangerous. Since the Devil is a fallen angel, one can also call him, but this requires special magical power and preparation. The summoning of the dark forces is performed so that the demon is a witness at the initiation into the sorceresses, to fulfill the coveted desire , with the purpose of causing harm to another person or getting an answer to the question of interest.

Remember that rituals of black magic always have negative consequences, so take care of the protection. You can not tie a fallen angel to demand the resurrection of loved ones, ask the authorities and forces to harm a large number of people. It is important to treat the forces of evil with respect, so as not to anger them with your own words. For the ritual, prepare five church candles of black color, a mirror, a black thick cloth and incense.

  1. Place the mirror in front of you, and place the candles around them so that they are equidistant from each other. Set fire to the incense and begin the ritual.
  2. Close your eyes, relax and tune into fellowship and fallen angel. When there is a feeling that the preparation is complete, read the plot.
  3. The fact that the demon has come will be witnessed by a cold touch to the face. In the reflection of the mirror you can see its appearance.
  4. Thank the fallen angel for coming to contact. After that, quickly and without hesitation, say your desire. The fact that it will be performed will indicate the flow of cold air that has arisen. If the flame of the candles wobble, this also indicates agreement.
  5. Finish the ritual with gratitude, and then, put out the candles and cover the mirror with a cloth. After that, hide all the attributes.
  6. When the desire is fulfilled, turn to the fallen angel again, expressing his gratitude to him.

The fallen angel in Christianity

The Church does not deny the existence of evil forces, which are represented by Lucifer and his assistants. Orthodoxy about the fallen angels speaks as the main servants of darkness who were once on the side of the world, but were guilty before God and he drove them to Hell. It is believed that when a person enters a sinful path, then Satan's helpers act on him. Fallen angels use different tricks to knock people off the right path.