Abnormal zones of the world

Anomalous zones of the world are places in which scientifically unexplained phenomena occur. There is a huge number of such territories where people observe strange incidents.

Known abnormal zones of the planet

The most famous place where very strange events occur is the Bermuda Triangle. Among people, the name "Atlantic Cemetery" is still widespread. The triangle occupies large areas from Florida to Puerto Rico, and the summit is located in the Azores area. For many years in this area there has been a huge number of disasters: the wreckage of aircraft , ships, etc. What is most interesting, corpses and debris on the site can not be found, everything simply disappears.

Other anomalous zones of the Earth:

  1. The Sea of ​​the Devil . This zone is located in the Pacific Ocean near Japan. Interestingly, it also has the shape of a triangle. In this sea ships and ships disappear for no apparent reason.
  2. Damn the tract . The place in the Kaluga region near the Chertovskaya River is currently recognized as a nature monument. Tourists who managed to visit this place, talk about a partial or complete loss of orientation. There is also chrono anomaly in this zone, that is, when you do not understand how much time has actually passed.
  3. The Gibraltar wedge . It is in the Belt of the Devil. Many people, getting into this zone, noted that often in the desert they hear a strange whistle that occurs for no particular reason.
  4. The Afghan anomaly . UFO manifestations are often observed on this territory. People see strange luminous spheres, plates and other strange things. There is also information that some encounters with aliens resulted in death.

Studies of abnormal zones are conducted regularly, and so far no evidence has been found for the events that occur. Psychics and esotericists say that these places with a special energy that is incomprehensible to ordinary people.