Do you go to the Trinity in the cemetery?

The Trinity is a great Christian holiday, the second after Easter. A lot of folk customs and beliefs are associated with this day, which are rooted in antiquity. Many do not know how to celebrate the Trinity and go to the cemetery that day. Let's try to highlight this issue.

History of the appearance of the holiday

It is believed that it was on this day that the Church of Christ was born, for the apostles, who were frightened and forced to constantly hide, were filled with the faith and courage bestowed upon them by the Holy Spirit. And it happened on the 50th day after the resurrection of Christ, when the apostles together with the Virgin Mary gathered to pay homage to the memory of the Son of God. At that moment, as described in the Gospel of Luke, the Holy Spirit descended into them in the form of tongues of flame that appeared in a thundering sky. Officially, the day of Pentecost, as this holiday is also called, began to be celebrated from the year 381, when the doctrine of the three hypostases of God was established at the Church of Constantinople: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Today, on this day, all Orthodox believers rejoice and have fun. Temples adorn the large bunches of fresh greenery - lyubistok, periwinkle, ayr, thyme, as well as branches of birch, lime, mountain ash, spruce and others. People bring their bouquets to the temples, and after the consecration they put them in the house in the most honorable place, and already the dried ones are taken away for the image and stored until the next Trinity, using to treat themselves and their loved ones. The connection in the use of grasses and branches lies in the imposition of this Christian holiday on the more ancient - Semik Day, when esteemed the wildly growing summer greens. This custom is of pre-Christian origin, but for the past centuries it has firmly united in the minds of the people with faith in the Savior.

Do I have to go to the cemetery on the Trinity?

This issue worries many, because it is on the Holy Trinity parental Saturday it is customary to commemorate the deceased, put candles for repose and pray for their loved ones. It is on this day that the church allows commemorating suicides, and in fact the catholic funeral prayer is a huge help for them. But we must understand that it is a question of the Sabbath, the day preceding the Trinity. Those who are wondering whether it is possible to go to the cemetery in the Trinity, it is worth noting that on Sunday, when celebrating the day of Pentecost, this should not be done, but on Saturday it is not only possible but also necessary.

This is a great time to fix the grave, paint the fence, mow the grass and water the flowers. Those who ask what is worn in the cemetery at the Trinity, you can answer that it is customary to carry flowers, both living and artificial, but it is not recommended to take food with you, as well as leaving them on the graves. The prohibition does not apply only to millet for birds. An even more terrible sin is the drinking of spirits in the cemetery. The Church does not approve of this.

Now it is clear whether it is possible to clean the cemetery in the Trinity and when exactly it should be done. But if for some reason on Saturday it was not possible to visit the cemetery, and the soul is so eager to meet with the deceased relatives, nothing terrible will happen if one comes to the Trinity to the cemetery, but it is better to refuse work on improving the grave.

How to celebrate?

The central place in festive festivities is decorated with birch. The highest and spreading tree is decorated with flowers and ribbons, and sometimes even wears a women's embroidered shirt. They dance around the dances, sing songs, drink, but in moderation, eat all kinds of food, as well as fried eggs as a symbol of the life-giving principle of Nature. Girls weave wreaths and let them into the river or pond, guessing at the betrothed. Young guys fool around, looking out for the coastal reeds of mermaids. Often, they are taken for guessing girls and so relationships are established and couples are created.