How to restore the bath?

How to restore an old bath is a topical issue. There are several simple ways with which at home you can make a wonderful restoration of the old bath so that it will look just brilliant.

How to restore a bath with your own hands: useful tips

  1. What you need to start any of the ways of restoration is cleaning the bath from the old enamel. We do this with sandpaper, scouring powder and water.
  2. After that, we dismantle the drainage system.

Then the bath should be well wiped and degreased. At this preparatory stage is over.

Ways of self-restoration of old baths

The first method is to cover the bath with a layer of liquid acrylic . The resulting thing will serve from 8 to 15 years.

  1. We make acrylic and pour it into a convenient vessel, from which we fill the bath with the substance. To spread the acrylic evenly over the surface of the bath, you can use a spatula.
  2. Let the acrylic dry for 36 hours and that's what we get.

Next, just mount the sink, and a beautiful bath is ready for use.

The second way is to cover the bath with new enamel . It is the cheapest, but also the shortest. Such an updated bath will last 5 years.

Doing this restoration is very simple. It is necessary to dissolve the enamel and apply it to the prepared surface with a brush.

The third, the most durable method, is the "bath in the bath", when an acrylic liner is mounted in the old construction . The service life of such a structure is about 15 years.

  1. Cut the technological edge and try on the liners, making a marking for the drain and overflow.
  2. We apply two-component foam and sealant.
  3. We install the liner, piping and plums and fill the bath with water for a day. Here is the finished result.

The better to restore the bath, it's up to you. It all depends on your financial and time resources, as well as on personal preferences.