Vascular encephalopathy of the brain

Encephalopathy is a disease of the brain. There are many varieties of different encephalopathies. Symptoms of different forms differ, but in one they all are similar - ailments are dangerous to health, and they must be dealt with immediately after the discovery of the first symptoms.

Congenital encephalopathy

This form of the disease is diagnosed more often than others. An alternative name for it is discirculatory encephalopathy. The disease is associated with insufficient blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, because of which its normal functioning is disturbed.

Vascular encephalopathy of the brain develops quite a long time. The process can take several years. This disease can not be considered independent. This is more likely the result of an impact on the body of a certain list of factors:

  1. Vascular encephalopathy very often develops against the background of atherosclerosis.
  2. Hypertension and vegeto-vascular dystonia may also be the cause of the development of vascular genesis of encephalopathy.
  3. Venous congestion has a negative effect on cerebral circulation. Various blood diseases also contribute to the disease.

The main stages and signs of vascular encephalopathy

There are three main stages of the disease. Depending on the degree of development of encephalopathy, the main symptoms of the disease also differ.

The stages and symptoms of cerebral vascular encephalopathy are characterized as follows:

  1. Compensated, in which the body tries to resist. The patient with the first stage of discirculatory encephalopathy feels light dizziness, heaviness in the head, unpleasant pain. In some cases, there are problems with memory and insomnia .
  2. More serious treatment requires a subcompensated stage of vascular encephalopathy. At this stage, the state of the vessels deteriorates sharply, and the symptoms become more pronounced. The patient can hear a ringing in the ears. Problems arise with the functioning of those organs whose centers affected the disease.
  3. In the third stage of decompensation, the body drops hands (in a figurative and sometimes even a direct sense). Treatment in this case does not guarantee full rehabilitation.

Treatment of cerebral vascular encephalopathy should be comprehensive. The patient should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress, nervous and physical overstrain, observe the regime of the day and eat right. Parallel to this, a drug course is prescribed, which improves blood circulation and supports the body.