Siamese cats - character

The origin of cats of this breed is shrouded in a mass of legends and legends. The most amusing and truly incredible history of Siamese cats is considered to be the one that dates back to the time of Noah. It says that the male monkey has fallen in love with a lioness. The fruit of their relationship and became a Siamese cat, whose character consists of a burning mixture of lion's courage and monkey cunning.

The state that gave the world such an unusual and beautiful breed of cats was Thailand, which in ancient times was called Siam. It is his territory that is considered the birthplace of Siamese cats, the first representatives of which were seen more than 600 years ago. In Europe, this breed came as a gift from the ruler of Siam to several high-ranking individuals.

Description of the Siamese cat

The true representatives of this breed are distinguished by their lightness and miniature constitution, which is somewhat distorted by the kinks of the tail. European standards oblige animals to have a plastic, muscular and, at the same time, elegant and slender body structure. The head should be of medium size and wedge-shaped, connected with the trunk with a long and graceful neck. The impressive size of the ears is the ideal extension of the head, and together with the tip of the nose form the right triangle. Eyes oblong in shape, not very prominent and incredible, crystal clear, blue. The legs are proportionate to the body, the hind legs are slightly longer than the forelegs. Small, neat paws. A long, thin tail. The color of Siamese cats is characteristic only for this breed point. The most obvious sign of the Siamese breed of cats is the "mask" on the face, the so-called facial point. He should not go over the top of the head.

There are no fewer than 18 species of Siamese cats, formed by appearance, especially in color. So, the most popular:

How to care for Siamese cats?

The only prerequisite for maintenance is a correct, perfectly balanced and rational diet, allowing the animal to always be in shape. There should also be such measures to care for a Siamese cat as:

Diseases of Siamese cats

This breed is marked by an extremely high percentage of genetic diseases. The main, typical for Siamese diseases are:

About how much Siamese cats live, one can reason only by observing the environment of her dwelling and leaving by the hosts. The average life expectancy of representatives of this breed is 12-14 years, so they can safely be considered long-livers.

Training Siamese cats

It is possible only if there is a trusting relationship of the animal to the host. Siamese will only teach themselves that will be interesting and fun for them. Therefore, all training is based on observation of the pet, patience and imagination of the owner. Do not skimp on the praise and rewards. Remember that Siamese cats are so rancorous that they will certainly take revenge for the offense they inflicted.

In Siamese cats and children there may be quite a contradictory relationship. On the one hand, these are very playful and contact animals that can make a company to a child in his pranks. However, it is worth remembering how sensitive they are, proud and impatient. These features can lead to the fact that revenge, for the pain or insult caused by the game, will not keep you waiting.