How to remove traces of acne on the face?

Acne rash reminds of itself for a long time even after a complete cure. On the site of large purulent elements usually remain dark spots, rather deep scars or scars, which in cosmetology are called the generalized term "post-act".

There are two groups of ways to remove traces of acne on the face - professional and domestic. The first approach helps in any cases, even with a very neglected skin condition. The second type of method will work if the spots are small, and the scars are imperceptible, or none at all.

How to effectively remove traces on the face after acne?

Guaranteed results can be expected from the following ways to combat post-acne:

  1. Z-plastic. Surgical version of excision of scars, is used only for very large and deep scars. After the operation, special clips are put on the removal site, which tighten the skin. In parallel, drug treatment with corticosteroid drugs (dexamethasone, triamycin) and maintenance therapy is conducted.
  2. Laser grinding. In fact, the upper layers of the skin are removed by evaporation. Laser radiation burns the epidermal cells over problem zones, which makes the scars less deep and noticeable. At the same time, tissue regeneration processes are stimulated.
  3. Peeling. There are many varieties of this technique, including micro- and standard dermabrasion. They work just like laser resurfacing, but softer and slower. The most suitable option in each case is chosen by the cosmetologist.

In addition, specialists suggest conducting supportive therapy, which includes:

How to quickly remove traces of acne?

If after acne there are only dark spots in a small amount, or small shallow scars, it is not necessary to spend material means and time to visit a cosmetologist. Such traces of acne on the face can be removed at home. For this you can buy special products - creams, whey, peelings with acids, scrubs, massage rollers. Another thing is to try to remove the marks from acne mask, which are easy to prepare yourself.

Recipe # 1


Preparation and use

From a ripe soft banana make a homogeneous puree and mix it thoroughly with protein. Apply a thick layer to the problem areas. After 15-25 minutes, remove the compound and wash with cold water.

Recipe # 2


Preparation and use

Vegetables grate on the smallest grater, it is allowed to grind them in a blender. Mix tomato-cucumber puree with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Gently spread the mask over your face, trying not to squeeze the juice too much. After 10 minutes, remove the product from the skin and wash.

Recipe # 3


Preparation and use

Dilute the clay with water to form a soft gruel, like sour cream. Add the rosemary ether into it and mix it thoroughly. On the moistened clean skin, apply the resulting mass, lightly massaging the problem areas. After 15-25 minutes, rinse using a cotton ball, a means of warm running water.

Monocomponent fruit, vegetable and berry masks are also good. Any grated fruit with a high content of organic acids fulfills the functions of peeling, and also saturates the skin with the necessary vitamins.