Abortive herbs in the early term

In this article we will talk about plants that contribute to the termination of pregnancy. The principle of the action of abortive herbs is different. Some of them cause uterine contractions and mechanical ejection of the fetus. Others - are very toxic and provoke the death of the embryo, lead to a natural abortion. Pregnancy with the help of strong abortive herbs is ripped off in the early stages, i.e. up to 16 weeks. But we want to warn that after taking herbs with the purpose of interrupting an unwanted pregnancy, a woman can often have serious consequences: a heart attack, inflammation of the uterus, acute endometritis, sepsis , uterine bleeding. Accepting abortive herbs at a later date (from 16 to 28 weeks) is also possible, but abortion with their help is less reliable. After 28 weeks, abortion is very dangerous for a woman's health.

Know what herbs have abortive properties, it is important for future mothers, for whom pregnancy is desired. This will help them avoid the unpleasant consequences of using dangerous plants. Remember that a pregnant woman should take any medicines, including herbs, only with the permission of a doctor.

Herbs of abortive action

Below we will consider which plants provoke a pregnancy breakdown, and we will also explain the principle of their action.

Tonic effect on the uterus produces such herbs: hay, St. John's wort, mordovik, water pepper, arnica, caraway, yarrow, etc. Strong action, conducive to the interruption of pregnancy, has infusion from the root or seeds of common parsley.

Among the abortive herbs, the laurel leaf is quite popular. But it should be noted that this plant is very dangerous. intensively affects the tone of the uterus and causes severe bleeding.

Promote abortion oregano, clover meadow, fruits of anise. They stimulate the formation of estrogens in the ovaries, because of which the growth and development of the fetus is suspended. Accordingly, the pregnancy is interrupted.

Consider what abortive herbs are poisonous and, accordingly, can kill the fetus. For example, toxic essential oils are found in tansy, sage, nutmeg, rosemary, calendula. To poisonous plants that cause miscarriage, include adonis, initial letter, tansy, St. John's wort, wormwood, silver fern, thuja, etc. They can be dangerous for a woman by killing not only the fetus, but also the cells of the female body.

For pregnant women from some of the listed herbs are made phytosets. Other herbs that are included in their composition, neutralize the toxic effect of dangerous plants for future mothers.

We want women to warn that it is dangerous to use abortive herbs, even in the early period, because complications can arise because of which it will be necessary to consult a doctor anyway.