Collagen hydrolyzate in cream

Collagen is a protein found in all living organisms on Earth. It is the basis of connective tissue in our body - cartilage, tendons and others. This protein provides elasticity of connective tissues and their strength.

Collagen hydrolyzate is obtained as a result of enzymatic hydrolysis of the collagen molecule. It is in the form of hydrolyzate that collagen can actively affect our body from the outside. Thanks to these properties, collagen is widely used in the cosmetic industry. Many cosmetic companies produce cream containing collagen hydrolyzate. Also, this component can be found in some hair shampoos and therapeutic ointments.

The face cream containing collagen hydrolyzate has the following beneficial effects on our skin:

These properties of the cream, which includes hydrolyzed collagen, make these cosmetics are very popular among women. Therefore, most of the fair sex ask the question "Which cream contains collagen hydrolyzate?".

In modern cosmetic shops, you can find the following creams containing collagen hydrolyzate:

  1. Sports cream series "42". All sports creams of this series - warming, regenerating and massage contain collagen hydrolyzate. The advantage of these sports creams is their exceptionally natural composition. These creams containing collagen hydrolyzate help to relieve pain, activate metabolism, improve blood circulation, increase muscle tone.
  2. Collagen hydrolyzate is found in the cream "Collagen Ultra". The cream is able to penetrate deep into the tissues, so it quickly relieves pain in the joints. This cream is recommended for bruises, sprains, dislocations, and also, it is used as an additional remedy for arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis.
  3. Collagen hydrolyzate is found in many anti-aging creams and anti-wrinkle agents. Using a cream based on collagen hydrolyzate allows you to effectively combat the first signs of aging, and also helps to smooth out existing wrinkles. Most well-known cosmetic firms offer their clients the means that contain this effective component.

Cosmetic products, which include hydrolyzed collagen, often contain, too, elastin hydrolyzate. This component restores elasticity and perfectly moisturizes dry skin. Operating in a pair of hydrolysates of elastin and collagen have the greatest anti-aging effect on the skin of a person and quickly return to it a healthy appearance.

Basically, creams containing collagen hydrolyzate and elastin hydrolyzate belong to premium cosmetics. These funds are distinguished by a high price, but their manufacturers guarantee their customers very high efficiency. Therefore, if you are looking for an effective remedy for wrinkles or a remedy for tired skin, before you buy anything, be sure to ask the sales consultant which creams contain collagen hydrolyzate.