High temperature and diarrhea

A slight stool disorder in an adult person should not cause fears of stress or some new food - this is considered normal. It is dangerous if diarrhea is accompanied by high fever.

Causes and treatment of fever and diarrhea

Such manifestations can have several rather serious diseases:

So, when there are such symptoms as high fever, diarrhea, weakness you need to understand the causes of the ailment. If appendicitis and hepatitis can be excluded by testing blood, then intestinal infection is not detected in this way. But since in such situations it is necessary to act quickly, the next step will be the reception of preparations of a wide spectrum of action. Will help:

Antibiotics at a high temperature, diarrhea and vomiting are contraindicated. They practically do not act on the pathogenic flora of the intestine, but the useful bacteria that are needed to fight the disease are killed.

It is shown to drink a lot of warm clean water. You can use black tea or a drug Regidron. In no case should sugar be added to the drink.

Diet with high temperature, diarrhea and nausea

While the condition is acute, doctors are advised not to eat at all. So the body will cope with the disease more quickly. Appetite, usually appears on the following day. When there is a high fever, there is a headache and diarrhea:

At first, portions must be very small. The diet should be observed for about a week, even after the symptoms recede, the habitual diet should be very smooth. A heavy product, even in small quantities, can cause a new disorder.