How much can you have sex after an abortion?

The question of when you can have sex after a recent abortion, quite often occurs in women who have undergone such an operation. Let's try to give an answer to it and tell in more detail about what aspects depends on the time of renewal of sexual relations after abortion.

When can you have sex after a medical abortion ?

To begin with, we note that under medical treatment in gynecology it is customary to understand this type of abortion, which is carried out exclusively by taking special medications. Under their influence, the death and then the expulsion of the dead embryo from the uterine cavity occurs first. This kind of abortion can be carried out only on small terms, due to the small size of the embryo itself.

Talking about how much you can have sex after such an abortion, doctors usually call a period of 3-4 weeks. The ideal option is when the girl waits until the next menstruation arrives and only after her graduation resumes sexual activity.

When can you have sex after a vacuum (mini-abortion)?

This type of termination of pregnancy refers to the so-called surgical methods. It involves the extraction of the embryo by means of a special apparatus, which, as a result of the creation of a vacuum, completely removes it from the uterine cavity.

After this, surgeons carefully and in detail examine the uterine cavity to make sure that there are no pieces of embryo tissue left in it.

As a rule, after this type of abortion, severe traumatization of the uterine endometrium is observed. It is this factor, in the first place, which is the reason for the restriction in the sexual life of a woman. So, doctors recommend to refrain from intimate communication for 4-6 weeks from the moment of abortion. It is through this time that sex is possible after surgical abortion.

Features of an intimate life after an abortion

Often, women who have undergone a recent pregnancy termination, the question arises as to whether it is possible to engage in anal sex after an abortion.

It should be noted that with this type of sexual intercourse, stretching of the pelvic ligaments also occurs, which negatively affects the process of tissue regeneration. That's why it's better to refrain from such.

Thus, it must be said that the fact how much time a woman can not have sex after an abortion should be determined exclusively by the doctor. In most cases, doctors call the period of 4-6 weeks.