Pain in the mammary gland causes

Most women are familiar with the situation when the chest hurts for no apparent reason. As a rule, such complaints are made by women who do not yet have symptoms of menopause , that is, they have a normal menstrual cycle. In elderly women, pain in the mammary gland occurs much less frequently.

If the mammary glands are hurt, the reasons can be different. Pain can manifest itself in the left and in the right gland, as well as in both. Painful sensations can then appear, then disappear, or have a regular character. Often unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands are observed immediately before the menstrual period.

Causes of pain in the mammary glands

So, if you are wondering why the mammary glands hurt, study the following reasons:

  1. Hormonal changes. As a rule, the hormonal background of a woman changes throughout the month. In such changes there is nothing dangerous. The pains in the mammary glands, the causes of which lie in the hormonal changes, quickly pass. An exception is the change in the hormonal background during pregnancy, when the pain can increase as the gestation period increases.
  2. Mastopathy. This disease is a complication of hormonal failures. It is extremely common, since every third woman suffers from it. In addition to pain, mastopathy also manifests itself in seals in the mammary gland.
  3. Injury or other mechanical damage resulting from stroke, compression, or compression. A particular issue of preventing pain for this reason is the correct choice of a bra.
  4. Breastfeeding . This reason does not require an explanation, because breastfeeding is a serious test for the breast, nipple and parasitic tissues.
  5. Insufficient activity of sexual life , which is also due to hormonal failures.
  6. And non-infectious diseases of the breast .
  7. Mammary cancer. It is important to consider that this disease is extremely rare in the form of pain, but, nevertheless, listen to your body is worth it.

Remember that the true causes of breast tenderness can be ascertained exclusively by a mammalog-oncologist doctor. It is unacceptable to independently make a diagnosis and, moreover, prescribe a treatment. Be sure to consult a doctor.