Cutlets from kidneys

Kidneys are a rather useful meat by-product. It is a low-fat protein product, rich in various vitamins and microelements. Well cooked dishes from the kidneys are easily absorbed by the human body.

Beef, veal, pork and / or mutton kidneys can be made delicious tender cutlets.

Tell you how to cook cutlets from the kidneys.

Whatever dish from this by-product we are not going to cook, first it must be prepared.

Preparation and marinating of kidneys of domestic animals

We remove from the kidneys fat and film. We cut each kidney along and carefully cut out the urinary ducts with a sharp knife. The main problem with the preparation of the kidneys is a specific odor, but it can be partially eliminated and modified by preliminary soaking and marinating.

Soak the kidneys in cold water for half an hour, at least, and preferably at 3. Then, pickle the halves of the kidneys (or rather cut them into smaller pieces) in any freshly squeezed sour or sweet-sour fruit juice (orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, kiwi, cherry, cherry plum or a mixture of these juices). You can marinate in a weak solution of apple or wine natural vinegar (2 tablespoons per glass of water), or in home wine, or even in beer. Add to the marinade milled spices and garlic. Marinate the kidneys for at least 2 hours, sometimes turning over, then rinsed with cold water and thrown back to the colander. Now you can cook.

Cutlets from the kidneys - recipe



Soak bread in water or milk, then lightly squeeze. We will pass the kidneys along with the onions through a meat grinder, as well as soaked bread. We add eggs, minced dill and spices. A little bit. Stir the stuffing carefully (you can mixer) and beat it on the table. Density corrected with flour or starch.

Preheat the fat in a frying pan. We form cutlets , we pour them in flour or breadcrumbs. Fry the cutlets from both sides to a golden brown tint and, reducing the fire, we languish a little more under the lid to achieve full availability. Cutlets from the kidneys are served with any side dish, vegetable salads and traditional raznosolami (sauerkraut, pickles, mushrooms, etc.) and any side dish. Be sure to prepare some hot sauce (for example, garlic-sour cream, or tomato spicy chilli and garlic, or a sauce based on puree or juice from acidic cherry plum, horse-radish or mustard) to the cutlets from the kidneys. To cutlets from buds you can serve vodka, berry tinctures, light wine or dark beer.