Drops Xylen - how does the drug work and to whom?

Nasal drops Xylene - one of the most inexpensive in the modern pharmacological market. They are effective in the fight against nasal congestion and some ENT diseases, but they are not advertised at all, and not everyone is aware of the existence of this medication. In some cases, the use of drops is irreplaceable, but there are side effects that are important to consider.

Xylenium - composition

The drug Xylen is made in the form of drops in a 10 ml bottle. Each 1 ml contains 1 mg (or - depending on the vial - 5 mg) of the active substance - xylometazoline hydrochloride, a local means for narrowing the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa. A few minutes after the application, a positive effect comes from the use of Xylen, the drops in the nose belong to the group of alpha-adrenomimetics. In addition to xylometazoline, the composition includes auxiliary components:

Xylenium - indications for use

As a potent drug, Xylen is able in a short time to get rid of the common cold and other diseases of the nasopharynx, to slow down their course. Acquiring medicine, people think about the benefits of Xylen: nasal drops, for which they are used with the greatest benefit? With the help of the drug, symptomatic therapy is performed in some pathologies. For Xylen drops, the indications for use are as follows:

Xylenes - side effects

Nasal preparation, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients regardless of sex and age. But like most drugs, Xylen also has side effects. The main feature is the possible addiction and deterioration of the state when the dose is exceeded, so with prolonged runny nose, you can not take drops for a long time. Nasal Xylen drops have the following side effects:

Xylene drops - contraindications

Those who regularly use Xylen, contraindications for its administration should be known, so as not to fall into the risk group. There are strict prohibitions, but there are warnings. So it is not recommended to use drops for therapy under the following conditions and pathologies:

Strictly observe the dosage is required for patients with diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, prostatic hyperplasia (benign), hyperthyroidism. During the period of bearing and lactation, the doctor may prescribe the drug, but only in minimal doses and do not drip for longer than three days. It may be necessary to interrupt breastfeeding. Xylen is prescribed for young children only in the form of a spray, a solution of 0.5% is allowed for babies from two years, and 0.1% for those over 6 years old.

Xylen Drops - Application

Today the drug is produced in various forms: drops, spray, gel. Each patient can choose a remedy for himself. It is taken intrasalously, before digestion it is necessary to clean the nose, if possible. It is important to know that drops are used only for short-term treatment. Xylen, the use of which is only possible for a short time, should not be a part of therapy in the chronic form of rhinitis. The positive effects and benefits of the medicine are not exaggerated, and in some cases only Xylene rescues from the common cold, but the dosage should be strictly observed. Her children are appointed by a doctor.

Xylene - dosage

On the recommendation of manufacturers and doctors Xylen in the nose is injected into both nasal passages. Periodicity - 2-3 times a day. The recommended interval between injections is 8 hours. The course of therapy should not last longer than 5 days, but if drops are used less often (for example, once a day), you can stretch the intake to 7 days. When skipping a dose, the following is forbidden to double. The recommended break between courses is not less than 5 days, so as not to become addictive.

Xylenium - use in pregnancy

Few drugs are allowed to accept future mothers. A gynecologist and an otolaryngologist should conduct a thorough assessment of the patient's condition, identify risks for the woman and the child. If the benefit is greater than the danger, Xylen may be prescribed during pregnancy. But it is desirable to use a solution of 0.5% concentration. The drug is not capable of causing a direct threat to the fetus, but it can be indirect, and this should be taken into account with a long course of therapy.

  1. In the first half of pregnancy, vasoconstrictive medicine can cause the tone of the uterus, cause a threat of miscarriage.
  2. In the second half, when the child's body is practically formed, Xylen is applied with the observance of dosage.

Xylenes for children

Drops intended for children (2 to 6 years old) have a reduced concentration of active substance: 0.5% instead of 0.1% in 1 ml. From the age of six, you can use a medicine for adults. Recommendations for taking Xylen Children:

  1. 1-2 drops of the solution are instilled regardless of the stuffiness in each nasal passage.
  2. Apply the drug 1-2 times a day, observing the interval.
  3. Course - up to 5 days.

Xylenes - analogues

On the basis of xylometazoline, many cures for the common cold have been developed. But Xylen is the most accessible of them, although it has contraindications and side effects. Sometimes it is compared with drops of "Naphthyzin", containing the active substance naphazoline. The same effect - vasoconstrictive effect. Analogs of drugs on the mechanism of action include such drugs as:

Buyers are interested in: Xylene or Naphthyzine - which is better? The main feature of the last drops - they are allowed to take children up to a year. The price is practically the same. By cost and pharmacological action (the active substances coincide), the Xylen drug is similar to such drugs as:

Drops Xylenum - an effective medicine, capable in a short time to facilitate breathing, to clear a nasopharynx. But it is important to always remember that when the dosage is exceeded and the time of use of the remedy, the mucous membrane of the nose is damaged. It is important to listen to the doctor's recommendations and the instructions for use attached to the medicine.