Adrenal adenoma

Adrenal adenoma is a benign tumor of the internal glands. However, despite the benign nature, in the absence of treatment for a long time, adenoma can develop into adenocarcinoma. And this is a malignant formation. In this case, the adenoma can have a detrimental effect on closely located organs, and also produce hormones, aldosterone and cortisol, although this occurs rarely.

Causes of Adrenal Adenoma

The exact causes of adrenal tumors are unknown. Specialists based only on statistics can assume which people have a great propensity for given neoplasms. Possible causes of the appearance and development of adenomas are as follows:

Symptoms of adrenal adenoma

First of all, this disease manifests itself as hormonal imbalance, which can lead to such factors:

  1. Manifestations of the qualities of the opposite sex:
  • Cushing's syndrome due to the increase in the level of the hormone cortisol.
  • Conne's syndrome due to the increase in the level of the hormone aldosterone.
  • Development of osteoporosis , increased brittle bones.
  • Diagnosis of adrenal adrenal gland

    In general, it can not be said that according to the manifested symptoms, a person can independently diagnose adrenal adenoma. Even at the earliest stage it is possible to detect it with the help of ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs. To exclude the effect of surprise, it is enough to undergo such a survey once a year.

    In addition, if an enlarged nodule is found, computer tomography is additionally performed. Thanks to the achievements of science in recent decades, the quality of these studies has significantly increased. Today, a doctor can accurately determine the size, shape and quality of any tumor. In this case, if the adenoma has a size of more than 3 cm in diameter, then in 95% of cases it has a malignant character, i.e. is a cancers formation. Adenomas of small sizes can also be malignant, but in this case only 13% of cancerous tumors occur.

    After carrying out visual studies, as a rule, an analysis is made for a biopsy of the tumor. This allows you to determine the level of hormones cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine and keratin.

    Treatment of adrenal adenoma

    With very small adenomas (at the stage of nodule formation), treatment may not be performed, since it does not pose a health threat. In this case, the patient should be under the constant supervision of a doctor who will monitor the growth of the tumor.

    In other cases, treatment should be immediate because of the growing risk of changing the nature of the tumor to a malignant one. It is, as a rule, in the surgical removal of adenoma. The operation can be performed both in a classical manner and with a laparoscope. In this case, the second method allows minimizing the damage to the appearance of the patient, since the scar from the operation will be on the abdominal cavity and very small (unlike the usual operation, after which there is a large scar on the waist). Removal of adenoma of the right adrenal is considered more time consuming. This fact is explained by the fact that it is much easier for a surgeon to get to the adrenal adenoma of the left adrenal gland and therefore the operation is faster and with fewer risks.

    At an early stage of adrenal adenoma admission treatment with folk remedies. Here, the "red brush" grass is used, which, in fact, is a natural hormone and allows you to get rid of some types of tumors.