Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a very serious and complex disease. People are still dying from him. But mainly the cause of the death is improper treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Knowing all the basic nuances of combating the disease, you can cope with it.

Principles of modern treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

This disease is caused by mycobacteria. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. After the Koch sticks - the obsolete name of mycobacteria tuberculosis - enter the body, so-called tubercular tubercles are formed. They consist of leukocytes and large cells surrounding the pathogenic microorganism. Healthy immunity does not allow chopsticks to escape beyond these hillocks. As a result, they remain in the human body, but do not harm their health. If the immune system does not exert special resistance, mycobacteria begin to develop actively.

It is important to understand that the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis is a lengthy process. The fight must be continuous. Otherwise, there will be no effect from it. Therefore, all specialists unanimously declare that if it is impossible to go through a full course of treatment for one reason or another without interruptions, it is best to postpone it.

One of the most popular methods of treating pulmonary tuberculosis is medication. For the body this is a real blow, because any one antibacterial drug in the case of this disease can not do. With Koch's wand, only a few drugs can cope at a time. As a rule, patients are prescribed four to five potent agents, which must be taken daily for several months. Each of them acts in its own way on the bacterium. And only a combination of these effects can destroy the pathogens. Reducing the number of medications is allowed only after the patient has recovered.

For a long time, a three-component therapy scheme was used. Within the framework of which three drugs were used for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: PASK (paraaminosalicylic acid), streptomycin and isoniazid. Modern medicine prefers four- and five-component schemes, for which the following drugs are used:

Speeding up the recovery will help the diet, taking immunomodulating medications, physiotherapy procedures. And for the recovery period, the patient must certainly go to the sanatorium.

Surgical treatment for focal pulmonary tuberculosis

If treatment is interrupted or misused, tuberculosis can easily develop into a chronic form, in which the patient can feel relief, but will continue to actively infect others. Bacteria will develop immunity to the active substances of the drugs, and the latter will cease to function. In this case, surgical intervention will be most effective. During the operation, the affected part of the lung is removed.

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with folk remedies

Alternative medicine can also offer some remedies that destroy mycobacteria. But do not get too involved with them. Folk methods are good as an auxiliary therapy:

  1. Effectively fights with a stick of Koch garlic. It must be included in the diet of the patient.
  2. The usual acetic acid helps neutralize the bacterium.
  3. Recovery comes sooner, if you lubricate your back and chest with natural badger or bear fat .