Muscle pain

A severe pain in the muscles was experienced once by all people: it was only necessary to organize a large-scale campaign, or to practice in the gym after a long break, or, at least, to make a general cleaning-and, next morning, that group of muscles, which had the main load, began to ache. Nevertheless, there is a painful sensation and for no apparent reason. Let's figure out why the muscles hurt and how to get rid of this unpleasant symptom.

Causes of muscle pain

In medicine there is such a thing as myositis - this is the pain in the muscles, which can have both physiological and psychophysiological nature.

The most common causes of muscle pain:

  1. If the pain in the muscles is not constant and occurs after physical exertion, then the cause is lactic acid, which is produced by the muscle tissues during exercise. If a large amount of it is developed, then it irritates the pain receptors, and after the load is over, the acid is released into the blood, rejuvenating the entire body.
  2. Also often there is pain in the muscles for colds. This is due to inflammation, and the symptom usually passes after recovery. Nevertheless, if the pain has arisen as a consequence of the complication of the flu, then it can remain until it is healed.
  3. Another pain symptom in the muscles can arise due to taking some medications that lower the blood pressure or cholesterol level in the blood. It is enough to stop using them and after a few days the pain will disappear.

Also, there are a number of rare diseases in which there is pain and weakness in the muscles:

  1. Dermatomyositis and polymyositis are of an autoimmune nature and are characterized by an inflammatory process in the muscle tissues.
  2. Also, myositis can be caused by infection - viruses, bacteria or parasites (cysticerci, trichinella). Most often in these cases, muscle pain is preceded by influenza or angina, and myositis acts as a complication of the underlying disease.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to fibromyalgia, which is accompanied by wandering pain in muscles, ligaments and tendons. This is a chronic form of myalgia, which often accompanies sleep disturbance, asthenia, a feeling of stiffness in the morning. In this case, the pain increases with mental and physical exertion or a long stay in the cold. Most often this disease occurs in women, it develops mainly at a young age in individuals prone to anxiety and depression.

Treatment of muscle pain

How to eliminate the pain in the muscles will prompt the disease that caused it. If it's a cold, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or antipyretic drugs will improve the patient's well-being. Nimesil is one of the effective remedies that removes inflammation, and to lower the temperature it is possible to apply imeth - a drug that relieves sensations of aches in the body and has a slight antipyretic property.

Recent research has shown that the basis of myalgia is always muscle spasms, on the basis of what you can say that a tool such as spasmalgone will help with muscle pain, but only for a while.

If the cause of muscle spasms is a malfunction of the nervous system, then you need to take sedatives. Many of the existing have a different strength of inhibition of excitability, and therefore they must be selected by the attending physician. Nevertheless, such tools as the root of valerian and pine baths with turpentine will never harm with nervous disorders, and, moreover, are very effective.

Before you try to relieve muscle pain with analgesics, you need to remember that often they will not affect the cause, and therefore they will have to be taken over and over again, after which it can become addictive, and the body will need large doses of these medicines.

The best ways to get rid of this ailment can be called physical therapy, massage and spa treatment.

How to reduce muscle pain with traditional medicine?

Two of the following are the most effective ways to eliminate muscle pain at home:

  1. Badyaga. It is necessary to take a teaspoon of vegetable oil and mix with a quarter of the powder of banyam, and then rub it into the painful area. This tool is good for cold and traumatic myositis, but you can do the procedure not more than once a week.
  2. Compress with soap. You need to soap the cabbage leaf, and sprinkle it with soda. Then fasten it with a woolen scarf and wait until the tissues warm up and relax.