Shockwave therapy - contraindications

This procedure is a modern way to combat many diseases by affecting acoustic waves of a certain frequency that spread through the tissues of the body, affecting the problem areas. This method has a high efficiency, however, shock wave therapy is not suitable for everyone, contra-indications of which describe the occurrence of unpleasant consequences.

Does shock wave therapy help?

This procedure is able to help in the fight against a large number of diseases. Focused waves act on the deepest layers, which allows you to work on different zones. According to numerous reviews, the device helps to cope with such problems:

The benefits of therapy include the ability to repair damaged tissue. There is no need to go to the hospital, it is enough to come at a certain time. Another advantage of shock wave therapy is the absence of complications. The procedure is easily tolerated by patients.

Shockwave therapy in cardiology

Now the procedure is actively used to treat coronary heart disease, manifested in the form of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction. Acoustically, the waves expand the blood vessels, normalizing the blood supply and restoring the work of the heart muscle. The effectiveness of therapy is manifested in the following:

Shock wave therapy of the spine

When treating problems with the spine, the use of sound waves has a stimulating effect and effective analgesia. This method by its properties is not inferior to surgery, but the ability to combat diseases without surgery makes the method truly unique. The benefits of shock waves for the spine are as follows:

Shock wave therapy for arthrosis

The sound energy directed to the affected area of ​​the body goes into the mechanical one, which destroys the calcium deposits, removes the detached cartilaginous tissues. This procedure as a whole normalizes metabolic processes in tissues, improving the regeneration of cells. The advantages of using radial shock wave therapy include:

Shockwave therapy - side effects and contraindications

The use of acoustic waves for the treatment of serious complications does not cause, however, it can provoke the appearance of such undesirable effects:

As a rule, these signs go through five to ten days.

It is not recommended to resort to this method of combating diseases in such cases: