The baby cries after feeding

Newborn babies are often not satisfied after taking breast milk or they may be bothered. Basically, this is related to the final formation and development of the function of the digestive system. As a result, after feeding, the baby cries, thus expressing her dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Why do children cry?

Lament for the newborn is a tool to alert you of any inconvenience or feeling unwell. Our task is to understand why a baby cries after feeding, and also how to help a baby.

So, if a newborn baby cries after feeding, then most likely it is caused by the following factors:

  1. Increased gas production in the intestine. In infants, the enzyme systems of the gastrointestinal tract function imperfectly. Therefore, the process of digesting food, absorbing the necessary substances is violated. As a result, a large number of gases are formed, which stretch the loops of the intestine and cause abdominal pain as colic. In addition, the newborn at the time of ingestion swallows the air, which also leads to an extension of the intestinal loops.
  2. Inadequate production of breast milk from the mother. In this case, the kid simply does not gorge. In this case, crying is a consequence of a feeling of hunger.
  3. Binge eating.
  4. Presence of diseases of the oral cavity. For example, it can be an inflammatory process caused by thrush . During food, irritation of the affected oral mucosa with food occurs.
  5. Inflammatory process, localized in the middle ear. With otitis of various etiologies during swallowing, pain syndrome sharply increases.
  6. And, of course, no one is immune from the fact that the baby is just afraid of a sharp sound, noise.
  7. It can also cause crying overheating, hypothermia or fatigue, a desire to sleep.

What if the baby sobs after eating?

If after feeding the newborn cries, then for the beginning it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the baby. It is important that diapers, diapers are dry, and there should be no drafts in the room. If it's hot - do not wrap the baby, and in the cold period it's important not to forget about the warm clothes.

If there is inflammation of the ear or mouth, you should contact the pediatrician to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. To combat colic irreplaceable will be herbal preparations with mild antispasmodic effect, and it is important for mother to follow recommendations for the proper breastfeeding .