Allaria - fashionable landscape design

The name of the fashion element of landscape design "allarias" comes from the Latin word "allium" (onions). And this is not surprising! After all, the main plants that make up the allaria are different types of ornamental onions, of which there are more than 600. They are equipped with an allarius mostly on the principle of an alpine hill , selecting a hill on the site or creating an artificial relief with the presence of rock - rockeries , because most of the onions are plants growing in mountainous area.

Decorative bow is very undemanding to care and unpretentious. In addition, the plant is winter hardy, so it perfectly succumbs to the temperate climatic zone. Onion scaring off rodents that damage the planting of bulbous flowers, such as crocuses, hyacinths, tulips, daffodils. The scent of onion is also not liked by garden ants, which occupy flower beds with lilies.

How to build an allergy?

The abundance of varieties of decorative bows allows you to equip a spectacular landscape formation blooming from early spring to late autumn.

Since all kinds of onions are light-loving plants growing in nature in meadows and lawns, you should choose a well-lit area in the garden area, preferably near a fence or some structures. At the selected site, it is necessary to make a total purification from all weedy perennial plants, up to the destruction of small pieces of roots. For this, a deep digging of the soil is carried out, with a selection of the remaining parts of the weeds and treatment with a wide range of chemicals, for example, a roundup.

Further, the bottom of the slide is created - a drainage layer of debris: rubble, broken bricks, slate pieces, etc. Sand is poured onto the dustbin, and then the earth, and pouring 5-10 cm of soil, should be sealed. Plants that you plan to grow in the allergy, do not need additional fertilizing, but you can add a little peat and sand to the top soil layer of the hill. At the very end of the picturesque spreading large stones, which are half buried in the ground, so that during heavy rains there were no landslides. Gardeners who have experience in creating solariums are advised to wait with planting plants and produce it the next year so that the soil settles well, and the stones "grow into" the ground to give stability to the structure.

Selection of plants for allergy

When choosing plants for the onion alpine hill it is necessary to familiarize yourself well with the peculiarities of vegetative ornamental onions. A big plus when breeding onions is that they are perennials, so do not require an annual planting, but many of the ornamental onions have a disadvantage - rapid aging, and, consequently, the drying of the leaves. There are several ways to solve this problem.

  1. Selection of varieties of ornamental onions that preserve juicy leaves throughout the season (varieties: onion inclined, onion slizun and chives).
  2. Careful selection of decorative bows with different vegetation times.
  3. Use of camouflage: stalking conifers, grasses growing on stony ground (miscanthus, oat, pike), herbs and creeping perennials (thyme, nasturtium, mint, herbaceous carnation, mountain geranium, etc.)
  4. The manifestation of a philosophical attitude towards withering, in which there is a special charm.

Popular varieties of decorative onions

Of ornamental bows the most popular at breeding are the following:

  1. The giant onion blossoms at the end of May. It has large leaves of ellipsoid form, lilac inflorescence is located on a high stem.
  2. Also in late spring - early summer, the rock garden will be decorated with Ostrovsky's onion - a plant with bright green flat leaves and greenish shades of flowers.
  3. At the height of the summer, Schubert's low-growing onions, a karatai bow with blue-green leaves and a pink inflorescence and Christopher's onion with large purple inflorescences reach the heyday.
  4. The slug-onion blooms in the second half of the summer. It has light green leaves and pink-lilac inflorescences in the form of a ball.
  5. In August, a cute bow flies, featuring large red flowers.

After breaking the allergy, do not forget that all onions need abundant watering. Providing plants with the necessary moisture, you will help maintain a presentable view of the Alpine hill.