How does sesame grow?

The sesame plant, or, as it is still called, sesame, is one of the most ancient seasonings known to man. Sesame is mentioned in the Ebers scroll, which contains a description of medicinal herbs and spices. According to scientists, this papyrus dates back to the 16th century BC. Useful properties of sesame seeds were noted in their medical works by the great Avicenna. Seeds of sesame, added to bakery products, halva , salads give the food a special flavor and taste, and benefit the body. Also in cooking, sesame oil is widely used in the preparation of meat, cereals and vegetable dishes. Despite the rather high prevalence, few know how sesame grows.

What does sesame look like?

Sesame - a rather high (up to 3 meters) herbaceous plant, blooming white, pink or lilac flowers, growing directly from the sinuses of leaves. Interesting is the fact that the flower dissolves only for one day, with the self-pollination of the plant, and subsequently the formation of a capsule-pod with tiny seeds of white, yellow, black or red.

Where does sesame grow?

Sesame is a heat-loving plant, typical of tropical and subtropical natural zones, but its wild-growing species do not currently exist. Since ancient times, the culture is grown in Pakistan, India, Arabia, North Africa. Later, sesame cultivation was carried out by farmers from Central Asia, the Caucasus, and South-East Asia. In Russia, mass cultivation of crops is carried out in rural areas of the Krasnodar Territory. Seduce can grow in a moderate climatic zone, but agricultural technicians warn that it is rather troublesome. However, if you wish, you can cultivate a useful seasoning on your own land. But keep in mind that in the middle band the size of the plant does not exceed 60 - 80 cm, and the fruit bearing capacity of the crop is low.

How to grow sesame seeds?

Seeding is carried out when the temperature of the upper layers of the soil reaches +16 ... +18 degrees. The most favorable for germination of sesame is a temperature of + 25 ... + 30 degrees. If the temperature drops to zero, the crop shoots die, so when frost threatens, the crops should be covered with polyethylene. When the weather is cool, vegetation stops, and with the onset of hot days, sesame grows rapidly. The best soil for sesame cultivation is fertile land with good drainage, ideally loamy soils.

The plot chosen for growing sesame should be prepared: eliminate all weeds, loosen the soil and fertilize. For fertilization, 25 g of potassium chloride and ammonium nitrate, 100 g of superphosphate are applied per 1 m². Immediately before sowing seeds should be well poured soil. Seeds are planted at a depth of 2 - 3 cm, maintaining between the rows a distance of 0.5 - 0.7 m. On 1 m², 0.5 - 1 g of inoculum is required. When sesame seeds start to germinate, it is necessary to make thinning, so that the distance between the shoots is not less than 6 cm.

In the future, regular maintenance of the crops should be carried out by timely watering, weeding and loosening. When sesame stems are strengthened, then the plant is no longer afraid of a shortage of moisture. Given that sturdy stems and fairly large pubescent leaves resist the winds, planting sesame seeds is used as a protection for less drought-resistant plants, planting the crop in several rows.

Harvesting sesame seeds

In the beginning of autumn the leaves of sesame begin to turn yellow and fall off, and the capsule with seeds dries up and turns brown. This is a signal that it is time to harvest. Rip off pods should be extremely accurate, because when you touch them, the box opens and the seeds pour out. From 1 m² you can collect up to 200 g of sesame seeds.