Neurox analogues

The drug Neurox belongs to the group of antioxidant agents. In addition, the medicine has the following effect on the body:

The main analogs of the drug Neurocc

There are a lot of drugs that Neurox can replace. We note the main analogues of Neurox.

The composition of analogues of Neurox is:

In all said drugs, the active ingredient is ethyl methyl hydroxypyridine succinate.

Mexidol - an antioxidant drug, which is designed to activate metabolic processes and blood supply to the brain, is aimed at improving microcirculation in small peripheral blood vessels. In addition, Mexidol reduces cholesterol and has lipid-lowering effects. Form release - a solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection.

Mexicor in tablets and ampoules is an analogue of Neurox, recommended in complex therapy for angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Vinpocetine is one of the most popular drugs that improve cerebral circulation. The drug is recommended for use in patients who have suffered a stroke, having mental and neurological disorders, suffering from impaired motor coordination, headaches. Ophthalmologists prescribe Vinpocetin to persons with vascular eye diseases, symptomatic of secondary glaucoma. The drug is in the form of a solution for injections in ampoules and tablets.

Neurox analogues in tablets

Among the analogues of Neurox in tablets, the most famous is Crestor. The medicine helps purify blood vessels from cholesterol and is used to treat and prevent atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia. Also, the drug can be used as a supplement to diets that help lower cholesterol in the blood and lose weight.

Vazobral is another popular analogue of the drug Neurox in tablet form. The medication is effective in reducing mental activity, attention, memory, spatial orientation. Vazobral is prescribed for patients suffering from migraine, retinopathy, chronic venous insufficiency.

Neurox analogues - dietary supplements

Similar to Neurox, the indications for use are its analogues relating to the group of dietary supplements:

Vijaysar helps normalize blood glucose levels and is an effective preventive against atherosclerosis, ischemia and hypertension.

CardiAX is designed for the prevention of strokes, angina pectoris, vein thrombosis. Ginkoum, as a rule, is appointed with a complex therapy in the case of a violation of blood microcirculation and difficulty in peripheral blood supply. In addition, this analogue of Neurox is effective in the violation of coordination of movements and dizziness.

Attention! We recommend all analogues of Neurox, including biologically active additives, to be used only after consulting with the attending physician. Especially caution should be exercised when using these drugs in the therapy of the elderly, children, pregnant and lactating women.