Vitamin C in pregnancy

How often do we hear about the benefits of vitamin C? And the truth, ascorbic acid is necessary for maintenance of ability to live of an organism. It participates in the process of formation of bone and cartilaginous tissues, assimilation of iron, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, neutralizes and removes harmful substances from the body. In addition, even schoolchildren know that vitamin C strengthens immunity. Actually, therefore, the kids so regularly lean on citrus - and tasty and useful. Unlike children, many pregnant women do not hurry to saturate the body with ascorbic acid. Why? Let's find out, whether it is possible to drink vitamin C at pregnancy and than the fears of future mums are caused.

Do I need Vitamin C during pregnancy?

The importance of vitamin C during pregnancy is proven. He supports the mother's body and creates the necessary conditions for the correct development of the baby. It is known that ascorbic acid:

  1. Strengthens the walls of the vessels in the placenta, thereby reducing the risk of detachment and hypoxia of the fetus.
  2. It is a preventive tool for varicose veins and bleeding gums.
  3. Prevents the appearance of bruises and stretch marks.
  4. Disinfects the metabolic products. From this point of view, vitamin C is extremely necessary in pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, when the future mother suffers from toxicosis.
  5. Promotes the full absorption of iron.
  6. Improves the psycho-emotional state of a pregnant woman.

Proceeding from the above, the answer to the question of whether to drink vitamin C during pregnancy seems obvious. However, do not forget about such a concept as hypervitaminosis. In the case of vitamin C - this condition is extremely dangerous in pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. So, an excess of ascorbic acid is fraught for a future mother:

  1. Destruction of the kidney parenchyma.
  2. An increase in the tone of the uterus , and sometimes the termination of pregnancy.
  3. Decreased coagulation of blood.
  4. Increased blood sugar.

Vitamin C for pregnant women - dosage

Replenish the needs of the body in ascorbic can be, if you enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits. Also, ascorbic is a part of vitamin complexes, which doctors recommend to use for future mothers before and during bearing a baby. As a rule, they contain the daily norm of vitamin C (80-100 mg), which is necessary for a woman's body during pregnancy in 1, 2 and 3 trimesters. However, it should be noted that smoking women who could not give up the bad habit, even in an interesting position, should increase the dose of ascorbicum to 150 mg per day.

In addition, vitamin C in pregnancy effervescent, in dragees or injections is prescribed rarely - according to indications.