Headache during pregnancy

Many women in the position, mark the occurrence of pain in the head, and of different nature and intensity. Often, they are one of the first signals about the onset of an "interesting situation". Although a severe headache during pregnancy can occur at any stage of gestation and before the very birth. It happens that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to pinpoint the causes provoking this state of affairs. However, this is not an excuse to leave the problem of why the headache is unsettled during pregnancy. Let's look at all the available information regarding this issue together.

Causes of headaches during pregnancy

In order to choose the right tactics of behavior, the doctor and the woman need to establish what exactly provokes the occurrence of pain in the head. There are such factors as:

  1. Hormonal restructuring. The female body undergoes significant changes during the period of gestation, adaptation to which may affect such a phenomenon.
  2. The first few months of pregnancy are often accompanied by hypotension, that is, low blood pressure in the arteries. This state of affairs is often complicated by early and fairly strong toxicosis.
  3. The answer to why the headache is hurting during pregnancy in the late term may be the presence of hypertension, "supplemented" with swelling, abnormalities of pathology and various infections. All this can harm the health of both the baby and the mother.
  4. Attacks of headaches during pregnancy can cause the use of certain types of food: chocolate, coffee, cola, red wine , fried and spicy dishes, nuts and much more. It is worth reviewing your diet and, perhaps, things will improve.
  5. Hunger and attempts to diet.
  6. Overweight can also cause frequent headaches during pregnancy.
  7. Work associated with eye strain and prolonged exposure in one position.
  8. Allergy or dehydration.
  9. External stimuli, such as: sound, light, vibration or bad smell.
  10. Any person can react to changes in weather or climate conditions, and pregnant women - especially.
  11. Constant headaches during pregnancy can be the result of frequent stresses and neuroses, psychological or emotional stress.

Do not overlook the option, when such a phenomenon can be caused by the presence of a woman of any disease. Often when a pregnancy hurts the head in the event that there are prerequisites for incomplete supply of the woman's brain with blood and oxygen, cervical osteochondrosis, meningitis, dystonia or kidney disease. In fact, the reasons that affect the appearance of pain in the head, there are a great many and they can only be determined with the help of doctors.

Treatment of headache during pregnancy

Medication methods that relieve such a pathological state of the body during the period of gestation are very rarely prescribed. This can only be done by an observant physician. Take any pill from a headache during pregnancy without prescribing a doctor is strictly prohibited. What then to do with this extremely unpleasant and debilitating condition? In fact, to remove headache during pregnancy there are many safe and simple methods, for example: