Otrivin during pregnancy

For women who are in a happy expectation of the birth of their baby, a huge number of drugs, including those that girls successfully used before pregnancy, are contraindicated. However, future mothers are susceptible to catarrhal and other diseases, even more often than others, because their immunity during this period of time is significantly reduced.

Including, practically all women during all period of pregnancy time and again face such unpleasant signs, as a strong rhinitis and zalozhennost nasal courses. From these signs of various ailments you want to get rid of as soon as possible, because they significantly worsen the quality of life and often cause sleep disturbances, which can very adversely affect the health and life of the crumbs and the pregnant woman herself.

One of the most popular and effective drugs for getting rid of a cold and nasal congestion is Otrivin, and some forms of release of this medication are successfully used in newborn babies from the first days of life. That's why many girls are wondering whether it is possible to use Otrivin pregnant.

Can Otrivin for pregnant women be dangerous?

According to the instructions for use, the drug Otrivin during pregnancy is contraindicated in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester. This medicine belongs to the category of vasoconstrictors and contains in its composition an active adrenaline component - xylometazoline.

Any drugs of this category work throughout the body of a pregnant woman, and not just locally, which can have a very negative impact on the full nutrition of an unborn baby. In addition, in some cases, taking Otrivin and other similar medicines during pregnancy causes severe consequences. The action of ingredients in its composition can provoke a significant increase in the tone of the uterus, which often becomes the reason for the onset of premature birth or spontaneous abortion.

In connection with the incredibly high risk that may result from the use of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays during the first 2 trimesters of pregnancy, they should be strictly forbidden to future mothers during this period of time. In the last 3 months of waiting for the baby to use such drugs can, but it should be done very carefully - no more than 1 time per day and not longer than a week.

In addition, pregnant women, even at the latest time, should prefer drugs with the lowest possible concentration of active adrenaline components. So, in the last 3 months during pregnancy, the use of child Otrivin is allowed, the concentration of xylometazoline in which is only 0.05%.